Meaning of name «Kazimir»

Origin: A rare today, the name Casimir - means: announce unveil world. Male name arose from a woman's name Casimir.

Color: Blue.

Key features: Will, sexuality, health, susceptibility.

Totemic plant: Chestnut.

Totem animal: Elk.

Zodiac: Aries.

Type: They're big swingers and very active, so they should be given the opportunity for self-. Best of all, this type of men can be described in words that Romain Rolland put into the mouth of his hero, Jean Christophe, uttered before his death: "If you go back to fight again".

Psyche: They are extroverts are open worldwide, but sometimes able to reflect. Not easily influenced, threats from them will not achieve anything better to try to interest them. Need understanding and love, although the impression of towering.

Will: Linked with the desire to be first, so it is especially evident in the team, to work together.

excitability: Extremely strong and focused on themselves, although very often behave as altruists.

The reaction rate: Casimir takes very much to heart failure, so we should not allow them to focus on these.

field activities: They are very attracted to medicine, addicted to her unconventional methods are gorgeous gynecologists. If you can discipline yourself, the work surgeons, researchers, scientists.

Intuition: gifted with a strong intuition, good psychologists - Be candid with them!

Susceptibility: Love and hate in them ripen slowly, but remain permanently. Begrudgingly.

Intelligence: Have a wonderful memory that all notes and classifies.

Morality: They know how to control myself, these are people with a strong sense of duty, wonderful fathers - demanding and affectionate.

Health: Great, but avoid overwork, overeating, do not abuse alcohol and do not smoke better. Weak point of their body - stomach.

Sexuality: All my life gives them problems. As their totem, elk, ready to fight to the death for the right to lead the sexual life.

activity: Woo success in life, if properly chosen profession.

Sociability: Casimir prefers to work than spend time talking.

Happy married Casimir likely with those who are called: Anna Vera, Diane, Eve Monica Natalie, Roxana Ruslana Sophia Teresa Jadwiga. For this purpose, less suitable Galina Danuta Isolde Kira Louise Rose Rufina Tatiana.

Kazimir childhood difficult and stubborn nature. Deliver a lot of problems for parents. They have weak lungs, learn well, but a few lazy. They are brave and even snooty, but this applies only to "winter". Like fathers. Not always punctual. Although they have a lot of friends, they are in close contact with only one other. Sport. Inquisitive precocious, cunning, deceiving sometimes parents.

«Summer»: addicted to football and tennis. Prudent, pondering each step. Listen to advice, but make their own way. Many readers prefer books about travel and adventure.

«Spring»: collect stamps and various trinkets, like repairing radios and well cope with this. Often complain of throat. Marry after thirty years.

By profession: they are circus performers, doctors, veterinarians, drivers, accountants, tailors, sewing machine mechanics, electricians, inspectors. They have golden hands, they are careful and do all the housework at home. Do not like to go far beyond their city. In general, the same fate does not spoil them, but despite this they are optimistic.