Meaning of name «Constantine»

From the Latin solid, permanent. Grows fearful, anxious child. Kindergarten, especially in the early days - the problem, a new teacher - tears, enter a dark room - for anything. Later, as a teenager, Constantine skillfully hide their fears, choosing for this playfully ironic tone of communication. Outwardly friendly and even-tempered with almost all, but to call him my friend, not everyone can. His true friends are tested for years of companionship. It usually childhood friends.

Constantine - responsible and conscientious person. In this sly and stubborn. But the case, which is engaged in, gives his heart and soul. Delicate. With soft subordinates rather ask than orders. Has a predisposition to alcohol. Highly developed imagination. May be annoyed by trifles. Constantine character is complex and contradictory, it's an amazing mixture with constant variability. He has a fine feeling for something beautiful that to varying degrees in almost every person. In unremarkable, seemingly invisible girl he make out the surrounding dignity and with great perseverance will discover these advantages for other. When he reaches finally, goals and everything including disagree earlier marriage parents Constantine, darling love it, he will feel it cooling. Such is its nature - it can not share the views of the majority. He, moreover, a great lover of fine, although it often takes for a purely external attributes, recognizing the truth, then his mistake. This means that it can be carried away by the bright, glamorous woman, aware that its luster - flashy and behind it the moral and spiritual emptiness. Divorce Constantine carries heavy. Despite this, in the case of repeated marriages. At times moody. Old men like Constantine and Constantine - old. To his mother wary. Friendly with adult son.

Sexuality named Constantine He's an incredible lover secular entertainment and companionship. At Constantine pragmatic attitude to sex - it should not distract him from performing other tasks that are more important to Constantine, and at the same time delight. He's quite a passionate man, intimacy for him is like a part of courting a woman. His life - a continuous affair, where no one has time to end as another begins. Not all of his novels come with a happy ending, it happens that Constantine fiasco, but in any situation he does not lose his presence of mind, he does not lack optimism to start all over again.

Constantine likes to meet with a woman in an atmosphere of comfort, where there are no distractions. Proximity somewhere surrounded by nature - it is not for him. In lovemaking, he shows great freedom of action, while keen to delight received another side. If his partner is able to correctly take all that comes from Constantine, and share his passion, she will get full sexual satisfaction. He likes his caress, said during the next hot and tender words - it inspires him even more, but the dominance of women Konstantin abhors. Not every woman can turn his head, but if it happens, he adores her, though, and can not put themselves at the mercy of her.

Winter Konstantin long hesitates to marry. Opted for a woman with enough experience and most importantly - very neat and cleanly. The family he is a leader, does not tolerate objections requires that all was as it detects it and if his wife winter woman too, has all chances to the fact that this marriage will be far from straightforward.

In marriage, there are many times of Constantine. The mystery of the theory named Constantine father Paul (P.

A. Florensky) No character with more variability than the character of Constantine. In Constantine most typical unmotivated some whim, impatience and being, including oneself, a panicky reaction to life, the will to inconstancy. This is a man who does not know what he wants.

Constantine internally angry at the whole world and to himself and asking a question, do not take the trouble to listen to the answer.

Constantine - gifted by nature, and mainly, with a subtle sensitivity to any suggestion. He is proud of its sensitivity and accustomed to consider it as the only decent quality, as a sign of superiority. But having in mind the debt, he is deprived of all experiences that live long. Uneven in their thoughts and assessments Konstantin uneven in regards to people.

His mental state resembles the March weather, fickle constant and stable in its instability: a few minutes it is difficult to predict what will be found on Constantine, and not only others but himself. All this - and in a good and bad side.