Meaning of name «Leonid»

Origin: Derived from the ancient Greek name Leonidas ("Leon" - the lion and the "ideal" - exterior appearance), literally - the son of a lion cub, like a lion, like a lion, the lion kind.

value: Good, beautiful, sturdy, but weak and feminine name. His popularity has fallen in recent years.

Name-: March 7, March 23, March 28, April 28, April 29, June 9, June 18, July 30, August 21, August 25, September 15, September 28, October 13 , November 1, November 12

Zodiac name: Leo.

Planet: Sun.

Color name: gold, green and blue.

Birthstone: Diamond.

plant: Cedar, rosehips.

Animal: Leo.

Key features: Usually generous nature.

Type: With a solid inner core.

name and character: Leonid flexible, diplomatic nature. That being said, the absolute friend, loyal and reliable. Affordable, unpretentious. It is perfectly adapted to the people and circumstances, is able to resolve conflicts. But if you need to make a solid, uncompromising, principled to cruelty. He extraordinarily skillful hands. There Leonid another rare feature: while to obey him. At night he did not 24 hours, and much more, as a lot of things he can do!

Fate: It is characterized by kindness, the best, and noble intentions - wrong choice way to implement these intentions. As you know, "good intentions pave the road to hell" - and the fate of Leonids are rarely smooth and simple, especially those that occur or circumstances have given power over people.

Psyche: Leonid never takes the form that it is characterized by mental anguish and suffering, not counting this as a sign of manhood. In bed behaves selfishly, caring only about his pleasure and satisfaction. Well versed in the psychology of women.

Leonid is not devoid of high emotions, but still very real to kill or mute their daily pasta and boiled eggs. Poor washed plate can permanently ruin his mood.

Intuition: Fine intuition, shrewdness, a tendency to perceive and interpret new and diligence accompany this man - as they say, all within the normal range.

Intelligence: Leonid - Homo sapiens. Appreciates the intellectual level of women. Unlike many other men, which deters a woman's mind, Leonid prefers women uncommon, with brilliantly honed mind.

Morality: very stable moral principles and protecting them, Leonid may go to great lengths. With children attentive and affectionate.

Health: Leonid very suspicious, from childhood accustomed to take good care of your health. Even a small abrasion necessarily smazhet iodine and make a bandage. And with a small temperature on bed rest. Picky about food.

Sexuality: loving lover foodie. Love it difficult, unpleasant, if a woman does not protest against his versatility, and does not change with it. He tries to escape from his hands, leaving those whom he loves, in the eternal uncertainty. After suffering a crash once in love, especially stung by loneliness, seeking a life partner. Often a woman conquers speed of action. Impulsive, easily carried away, sexy, but his sexuality is manifested only in familiar surroundings and with a familiar woman. In search of the ideal betrayed numerous love affairs. Beautiful girlfriend Irina Leonid may become, Natalia Kira Eugene Svetlana Alla and Ludmila. Heightened sexuality has Leonid Y..

Marriage: Family it is not always durable. Not everything in it is perfectly formed. He certainly pleasant, but somewhat boring, colorless and can just get bored. In a state of intoxication can show jealousy.

Favorable associations: Alla, Anna Valentina, Vera, Veronica Lyudmila, Natalie, Pauline Eleanor Elvira and Julia.

Adverse associations: Galina Jeanne Inez, Love and Tatiana.

Hobby: A great lover of nature trips, night fishing with a fire and soup. Not refuse to spend the evening with a bottle of good wine. This is a classic type of man whose way to the heart is through his stomach and clean cleaned apartment.

field activities: In the chosen specialty is making significant progress. It can be classy driver, a famous journalist and statesman.

Business: In any group he formed good relationships with colleagues, and with the leadership of. Has the flexibility.

Leonid very proud, though guess this is possible only by the fact that in any case he tries to be better than others. It is soft to communicate, and with him kindness and love can achieve miracles, another thing, if Leonid thinks of set sail on the waves of risk and uncertainty: will, for example, in business or politics. It begins to haunt fatal bad luck. It can be an instrument in the hands of a strong and enterprising people. The most successful entrepreneurs of the Leonids may be those fathers who are called Abram Vitali or Ivan Fedor.

Celebrities: Andreev, Agutin Afanasiev, Armour, Bykov, Brezhnev, Vesnin, saying Horowitz, Gaidai, Jabotinsky Kuravlev, Bows, Leonid I (king of Sparta), Latinin, Leonov, Markov Mandelstam, Pavlov, Parfenov, Sedov, Sobinov Sobolev, Trauberg Serebrennikov Trushkin, Cliffs, Filatov, Kharitonov, Yakubovich, Yarmolnik.

See also patronymics value: L. and Leonidovich.