Names » Leo

Meaning of name «Leo»

Origin: Derived from the Latin word "Leo" - the lion and the Greek "Leon" - lion, king of beasts.

value: Very nice name. Sharply distinguished performance "good", "beautiful" and "reliable", but from the king of beasts in it, perhaps, there's nothing left: Leo - "small", and Loew - "slow»

Name-: January 12, February 2, March 3, March 5, March 14, May 31, July 14, August 31, September 24, October 24, November 25, December 20

Zodiac name: Leo.

Planet: Sun.

Color name: Golden, Grass Green.

Birthstone: Diamond.

plant: Cedar and rosehips.

Animal: Leo.

Key features: In the nature of goodness and peace prevail.

Type: self-sufficient, learned, shrewd.

name and character: Tolerant to the shortcomings of people, flexible and diplomatic. Odnakovse it until a certain time. Leo is better not to anger - this should always remember his wife and subordinates.

Leo brave to recklessness. Danger excites him like wine! Just reckless and he in love - and this is especially attracted to him women. He is quick and decisive.

Leo always sympathetic to people, regardless of rank, position and "usefulness" of their. But surrounding him often do not meet the same. Softness is taken for weakness and provokes a desire to look down on him, getting around, "scrub", especially if he is a rival to the success. Lion itself is not very exciting - had become accustomed. And only occasionally accumulated resentment, not to any specific person, and all at once, throws him into despair. It lasts for long, and soon Leo becomes himself again.

Psyche: Leo mostly calm and even phlegmatic. He extrovert, radiating warmth and willingness to help.

Intuition: Well developed, but only within a narrow specific area, most of all - his specialty. Response is slower, in unexpected situations and Leo can get confused.

Intelligence: Advanced. But it is more an organizer than mediocre and does not reach the heights of administrative.

Morality: Valuing calm, measured, established life and is very sensitive about its steep turns. Blows of fate and misfortune close people experiencing hard. With special attention to the weak and defenseless. Always ready to help the elderly, children, the sick. Is able to give the desired.

Health: Good, rarely sick, never treated and often live to a ripe old age. By sex, very seriously, seeing it not only a source of joy, but also a means of maintaining health. Drinks on occasion, but rarely becomes an alcoholic.

Sexuality: concerned about sexual problems and at the slightest failure to panic. Loving, sometimes noted in his teenage years, most likely due to the uncertainty of its potency. Excitability and sexy Leo slightly below average. His novels sometimes peacefully end, so anything and have not completed. Women often see it as a reliable friend than a sexual partner.

Leo appreciates strong love relationship. Cherishes his partner, with whom he established a harmonious relationship. Sexual intimacy it is closely related to the proximity of spiritual. Not with any woman he can go to bed, not every can excite his. He periodically change partners, it is very important for a sexy woman.

Leo does not like cold women. His erotic caresses different refinement, his love lust deeply. He is a great master of the love games. The best chance for harmonious sexual relations Lev Natalya, Alla Olga Roxana Bella Anna and Mirra. Heightened sexuality have Lev and Lev.

Marriage: As a general rule, Leo lacks self-confidence in a relationship with a woman. Intercourse with his wife folded difficult. Often she tries to subjugate it, which he could not prevent. In women Leo values ​​most loyalty and kindness, attaches great importance to sexual relations. Lions are not brawlers, but they somehow wife caught enough impulsive personages.

Favorable associations: Aurora Agnia, Anna, oh hell, Beta, Victoria Dina, Irina, Claudia Olga Polina, Tamara and Eleanor Ella.

Adverse associations: Agnes Lydia Marina Oksana or Olesya.

Hobby: He enjoys swimming, loves to fish and gather mushrooms and play with children in outdoor games.

field activities: Often chooses to become a doctor.

Business: Leo is honest, has organizational skills. Persistent in achieving very conscientious in business and promises. Because of these qualities over time takes a decent position in society. He has little envious detractors. The greatest success in business achieves Lev.

Celebrities: Anninsky, Artsimovich, Lambs, Golitsyn, Durov, Danilevich Kulidzhanov, Kuleshov, Kerbel, Landau Leshchenko Novozhenov, Oshanin Ovsyannikov, Ovchinnikov, Pontryagin, Rudnev, Revuca-cue Tolstoy, Trotsky, Stepanov, Assumption, Sheviakov Shulgin, Yashin.

See also patronymics value: L. and L..