Meaning of name «Nikita»

value, origin: Name Nikita (Accel. No-Kition, simple. Mikita) comes from the Greek word "win" means the winner, victorious, win.

Name small and feminine, beautiful, kind and reliable. However, strength and power to make it happen, he does not have. The weakness of this name is always intuitively felt and when the 30s it became possible to change the names of the top five names from which most willingly refused proved name Nikita.

In our time, the name of regaining former popularity among the intelligentsia.

Name-: February 13, March 4, April 2, April 16, April 17, May 13, May 17, May 27, June 2, June 5, June 6, June 10, June 30 , July 4, July 7, 22 September, 28 September, 26 October, 19 November, 28 November, 30 December

Zodiac name: Gemini.

Planet: Mercury.

Color name: Purple, intense blue with a red stripe on elezametnoy edge.

Birthstone: Pomegranate.

plant: Ash, bell.

Animal: Hedgehog.

Key features: Always the first endowed.

Type: With a retentive memory.

name and character: Nikita since childhood knows his worth. He is selfish and purposeful, without doubt or hesitation. Persistent, stubborn - and at the same time vulnerable and sensitive. Typically, hardworking and talented. Externally similar to the mother, but his character - his father. Since childhood accustomed to take care of itself, does not cause anxiety close. Studies well. Practical, but impatient. Selecting purpose in life, is it the right way, without wasting time on minor things.

Psyche: its waves are small, and sometimes non-existent, imaginary problems. Often bezynitsiativen, weak-willed and not inclined to change. While under the influence of sudden impulse is capable of unexpected acts leading to steep turns of fate.

Intuition: Intuition average. But it is well established, the founder, and new ideas and trends perceived difficulty.

Intelligence: Nikita talent from God. Thinks his plans to detail.

Morality: Does not tolerate anyone's superiority, except superiority father. Very devoted son. Loves children and gives them a lot of time.

Health: Nikita - quiet and reserved person, usually with the highest efficiency.

Sexuality: Has disastrous for the fairer sex charm. A woman appreciates not only beauty, but also the mind and mental qualities. However, women are for him - just fun, like a beautiful cat. Heightened sexuality has Nikita Petrovich.

Marriage: With family there are difficulties, failures. Family life is always difficult to sum as Nikita deprived diplomacy. Therefore, in marriage, it usually takes a subordinate position.

Favorable associations: Hell Alla Veronica Zinaida Irina, Claudia Lyudmila, Lydia Natalie, Svetlana Pauline Eleanor.

Adverse associations: with Agnes Anastasia Angela Anna Albina Valeria Vera, Galina Glafira, Joan, Catherine Love Maya Martha Tamara and Tatiana.

Hobby: He loves animals and always keeps a big dog in the house. He is a pleasure to drive the car himself, but to repair the machine he will not. Interested in music.

field activities: Can achieve outstanding success in their chosen profession. Can become a traveler, director, politician.

Business: By nature Nikita - leader. However, it needs constant attention and guidance. He is a person of a particular case, but luck he rarely accompanies. Hates bragging, long phone conversations, guff. It is surprising that this person is often the case raises high, although it rarely reaches its goals. He does not aspire to become rich and powerful, or subjugate others to his will. But he is kind and forgiving. In collective gentleness of his character enjoyed by all and sundry. Even more feminine and campy feel Nick Name.

Celebrities: Beketov Theology, Dzhigurda Mikhalkov, Ants, Simonyan Tjagunov Khrushchev.

See also patronymics value: Nikitichna and Nikititch.