Names » Oleg

Meaning of name «Oleg»

value, origin: Name Oleg - previously borrowed from the Scandinavian languages ​​(drevneskand. Helga, Old.

Olga) means: sacred, light. Beautiful good name great, simple and reliable person. Signs of light, strong, beautiful and powerful with age become weightier. This is the name given nowadays not very often, mostly in large cities.

Name-: October 3

Zodiac name: Libra.

Planet: Venus.

Color name: Dark blue, green and white (green and white about equally).

Birthstone: Pearls.

plant: Hazel camellia.

Animal: skid.

Key features: Intelligence, a predisposition to diversity, perpetual doubt.

Type: a contradiction, but restrained.

name and character: As a child, Oleg is easily another's influence and can quickly learn bad habits. Therefore, parents should follow the circle of acquaintances of his son. The school is a good student in all subjects, but shows great ability in the exact sciences. From an early age is popular among women. However, is not inclined to rush into the maelstrom of passion, but most of the time with friends. With age, he is relaxed, it becomes more gentle, but also more mundane. He has not lit from each new idea, its relationship with friends weaken. By this time, usually family life Oleg stabilized.

Oleg stubborn, confident, principled, focused and incredibly hardworking. To insist on his own, comes to the tediousness. Capable of his righteous ways to amass a lot of enemies.

Psyche: Very much depends on the ability of Oleg his psychological state, faith in themselves and the ability to relax. Often stubborn. Ideal woman for Oleg is his mother. Therefore, choosing a future life partner, he seeks to find her character traits peculiar to his mother. If a wife can not understand this subtlety, while the family are frequent quarrels.

Intuition: Alignment mother so firmly taking root in the minds of Oleg that in another perspective on life he simply there is no need.

Intelligence: Aleh analytical mind. This practice-romantic - quite rare, but an attractive combination.

Morality: Oleg born with a sense of superiority over people. And this feeling sometimes it can not be suppressed, making it not always agreeable. It can not stand people with disadvantaged pride and just losers.

Oleg principled, defends his opinion, even if wrong. Kind, trying not to cause pain to another, but not allow anyone to be pushed around and command. Intimacy with a woman for him no more than a pleasant diversion. He is afraid of long-term relationships, gradually leading to marriage.

Health: Oleg did not mind a drink, drunk difficult to control. Loves more sleep in the morning.

Sexuality: Oleg passionate and erotic. Often able to get involved, but quickly fades. Sexually, trying to assert himself as a man, do not take it too seriously. He lacks the tenderness and inspiration, and the proximity of a woman trying to extract as much joy and pleasure. Very susceptible to external manifestation of the female essence, to how neat and clean the woman what her favorite perfume as it is aesthetic. Loving and understanding can become friends Oleg Svetlana Irina, Tatiana Mirra, Olesya Margarita, Natalie, Antonina. Heightened sexuality has Oleg Semenovich.

Marriage: Indulging in sexual pleasures, Oleg searches for true love, but not the purpose of life is to create a family and procreation. Typically, a faithful husband, although not averse to using his charm on the side.

Favorable associations: Antonina Clara Larissa Maya Natalie, Rimma Svetlana Sophia Tatiana Elvira.

Adverse associations: Angelina Barbara Vera, Daria Catherine Elizabeth Nina Olga Oksana.

Hobby: Very fond of children and money.

field activities: Oleg achieves sustainable social position, as it can achieve significant success in any profession. Oleg inherent concentration gives a particularly positive results in the pursuit of science.

Business: Aleh golden hands. But it is difficult to communicate, as it is not always understood their views. EXCESSIVE may hinder his career. Over the years, it becomes less categorical, but decisiveness, authoritativeness, dismissive attitude towards domestic trifles accompany him throughout his life. His strength - good, his actions do not bring trouble to anyone, not humiliate others. However, a man who had cheated him, he manages ruthlessly. Potential candidates for successful entrepreneurs are Oleg V., and Oleg I. Oleg Fedorovich.

Celebrities: Oleg - first Kyiv Prince kind of Rurik. Bazilevich, Basilashvili, Blokhin, Borisov, Species Gazmanov, Garkusha Goncharenko, Dahl, Efremov, Zhakov Kuznetsov, Menshikov, Molchanov, Nesterov, Poptsov Protasov, Romancev, cut tobacco, Jankowski.

See also patronymics value: O. and O..