Meaning of name «Ruslan»

value, origin: Name Ruslan - previously borrowing from the Turko-Tatar languages, comes from the word "Arslan" - lion.

Ruslan - the hero of Russian folk tales.

Zodiac name: Leo.

Planet: Sun.

Color name: Golden.

Birthstone: Aventurine.

plant: Sycamore and dandelion.

Animal: Leo.

Key features: Hardness, justice.

Type: Letting forward.

name and character: Small Ruslan unstable in desires, moody, emotional and somewhat tricky. Likes to be praised. Mended long unless notice it good deeds.

Ruslan inherent looseness and boldness. He is not averse to risk, with little concern about the consequences of. Loyal, selfless friend. Good-looking, full of love.

Psyche: Ruslan conflict, explosive, although their preferences does not show. Selfish enough.

Intuition: Speed ​​categorical decision.

Intelligence: Ruslan is distinguished by its self-love, lust for fame and popularity by any means.

Morality: With reverence and respect for elders.

Health: take care of your health, maintaining good form.

Sexuality: His burning eyes attracts women. They fall in love with him without memory and try by all means to keep beside him. If Ruslan laid eyes on a woman, he will achieve his goal. He does not like to sexual encounters occur is always the same, according to the template with a constantly recurring caresses, the same words, postures. He shows great flexibility in the erotic game in preparation for the proximity. Not every partner is able to fully accept his sexual behavior. But he is patient, is not easily provoked, but gradually it attaches to the fact that for him is totally acceptable.

Ruslan believes that pleasure partners must be mutual. He loves to talk with your partner about sex, enlightening it theoretically. Most likely to Ruslan sexual harmony with Tatiana Lyudmila, Hope Neela, Inna Svetlana Oxana, Margaret Raisa and Olga. The most sexy Ruslan Spartakovich.

Marriage: For Ruslan wife - another opportunity to assert itself. It certainly should be beautiful, slim, have such external data to its appearance in any company stops talking and caused envy and the admiration. However, Ruslan jealous and squeamish. If men's attention to his wife becomes, in his view, excessive, it can flare up and, disregarding the rules of propriety, thoroughly spoil the evening.

is Married twice (exceptions are rare). Although he repeatedly unfaithful to his wife, it does not forgive infidelity. Not everyone, even the most beautiful woman is able to awaken in him a strong attraction.

Ruslan must win her. Obsessions and assertive women he does not accept. He will not tolerate his wife and desires to impose his style of sexual behavior.

Favorable associations: Agnes Hella, Elena, Irina, Maya Margarita, Natalie, Oksana Olga Raisa, and Tamara.

Adverse associations: Ada, Valeria Dominica Clara Love Marina Martha Rimma Rose Sophia Ella and Yana.

Hobby: Loves children and parents. However, this love is devoid of self-denial.

Ruslan rather not satisfy the need of the child in his father's attention, and their need for the manifestation of paternal feelings. Likes to drink. Low risk of becoming an alcoholic.

field activities: Ruslan created for political games. Thirst for glory, perseverance on the path to achieve it backed by the ability to find a common language with both colleagues and opponents. However, opponents wait for mercy from Ruslan is not necessary. Casual persistent work - not for Ruslana. He needed a quick fame and wide popularity. Perhaps that is why he tends to political or artistic activity. Desire to stand out, not to be like everyone else, is manifested in the willingness to speak on the radio, giving interviews.

Business: Ruslan bit lazy, but very punctual. In difficult situations, he forgets about his ambitions and serves the cause, people with reckless abandon and courage. He is full of energy. He has an innate sense of humor - and failures it is able to poke fun at themselves.

Celebrities: Aushev Volkonski Kireyev Raevskiy Khasbulatov Khil'kevich.

See also patronymics value: Ruslanovna and Ruslanovich.