Meaning of name «Taras»

From the Greek disarray, disturb.

Taras childhood mobile and stubborn. He always goes his own way, so it is better not to waste time on instruction and explanation - listen silently, perhaps even according to nod, but stubbornly will move to the goal. Among Tarasov met a lot of smart and talented people, but they do not always have enough activity to realize their potential. Afraid of potential difficulties, they are reluctant to take in new business. Taras many ideas that he shares with others, because he put them into practice can not. His ambition is underdeveloped, and it also prevents the practical success. Close friends Taras bit, it is more immersed in the world of their own experiences than the events of the surrounding world, but if people really need him, he finds an opportunity to become intimately familiar with it, but does it matter how reluctantly.

Taras talkative, likes to spend free time watching TV, reading books.

Taras need a wife that could compensate its natural lack of initiative and diligence. He can say, flourish as a family man, if his wife would be practical woman and assume most of the concerns on the farm.

Taras, then, will fully earning money, and its involvement in the domestic affairs will be confined mainly to the control of expenditure wife. However, he may exhibit the pettiness and meanness. Often marry divorced women, children from his first marriage did not stop him. Drinks a little.

Sexuality Taras This sensitive and restless nature, prone to sexual attraction and love affairs. He knows the value of his charisma and the way to win with the help of a woman.

Taras not one of those men who go for the one who will call. He must conquer a woman, and a decent enough confidence and independent.

Taras feels a need for strong feelings and intense gratification, he is constantly in a state of excitement. For him sex life - it's not necessarily what you should marry the love. He sees sex as a means to satisfy the passion of love, which is useful for health and brings peace of sedation. In an intimate relationship, he likes to dominate, lead partner, caresses a woman appreciates her element recoil, weakness, guessing his desires. Likes to partner admired him, his ability, and said it out loud. It happens that her caresses Taras to some extent compensates for fading sexual potential. Taras sexual need is largely determined by the ratio of partner to have sex, her trust in him, and the higher professional partner, the stronger in him a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. Winter Taras has a lot of sexual excitability, his sexual biography is quite rich, this man is able to find an approach to almost any woman. By intimacy he refers easier than others, often resorting to it when you want to simply remove the sexual tension, unburden. Autumn Taras painfully perceives the slightest failure, his woman requires a maximum of patience, tact and delicacy.