Meaning of name «Timur»

Origin: Timur with mongolsokgo - "iron".

Derivatives: Timurka, Tim Moore.

Zodiac: Cancer.

Planet: Proserpine.

Color: black.

Suitable tree: elm.

Cherished plant: black tulip.

Patron name: python.

Birthstone: obsidian.

features: As a child of five years predisposed to infections, frequent colds. Externally similar to mother nature by genotype inherits from his father. Kind, flexible, a little indecisive boy. In games it is shown extraordinary ingenuity, ability to navigate in different situations. Trusting, loves to share his impressions with friends, secrets. Laconic, never betray a friend. The school has the authority, has organizational skills, willing to participate in various activities. It is desirable to gain his childhood buddy, it can achieve good results in the power sports. Education does not give him too much trouble, all subjects more he likes math. On the lessons he is attentive, allowing him to spend much less time to prepare homework than others. Timur free time a lot, but he spends most of his playing chess, checkers, reading books. With respect for the elders, has warm feelings for the elderly. Always responds to requests for assistance, unselfish. Not tolerate high pitch, he is calm and believes that all issues can be resolved without undue emotion. Likes to parents compared it with someone, put someone else in the example. He is a strong personality, and such a comparison it offends.

«Winter» Timur: prefers the exact sciences, is often the winner of Mathematical Olympiads. "December" - enjoys soccer, natural data give him the opportunity to become a professional. Coach says it right on the field, he is tough, smart, well-versed in the game. Tireless in pursuing the goal energetic. However, the "winter" Timur irascible, sometimes he has to fight with himself.

«Autumn»: inclined to a measured orderly way of life, he painted every minute, do not waste time in vain. Self-disciplined, manages all. Good diplomat, non-conflicting himself and is able to reconcile his comrades. Avoid sharp corners that certainly violates his plans, he tries not to create other difficulties. Unobtrusive, rarely asks for help to friends, not wanting to burden them with their problems. Parents' Council enjoys often listens to their opinion. Technical visits mugs.

«Summer»: kind, modest, somewhat indecisive, that brings him a lot of trouble. Childhood should teach him to make decisions independently, not afraid of difficulties. He taciturn, but knows how to listen. Receive higher education, but it works more often than not their specialty. Parents need to help him in choosing a profession. On "summer" Timur can be influenced by arguments. It lends itself to conviction. He himself is difficult to make the right choice. He is talented, are easier for him to science, can manifest itself in the field of medicine, biology, or to become a journalist, columnist.

«Spring» Timur: somewhat unbalanced, go from one extreme to another. Wants time everywhere, but underestimates their strength and capabilities. Talented in the arts, medicine, can be a wonderful surgeon, ophthalmologist, radiologist. As a child, unassembled, attends several circles at once and completely diverse. May engage in the literary circle, Drama, chemical, then drop everything and get excited about sports, but not for long. We need to help him to focus on one thing. He gives everything and fairly easy, but it is difficult to make a choice.

«Winter" and "Autumn" Timur suitable middle name: Azarevich Antonovich, Maksimovic, A., S..

«Summer" and "spring»: Arturovich, Arnoldovich, Z., Davidovich, Askoldovich, O., V..

See also patronymics value: Timurovich and Timurovna.