Meaning of name «Trifon»

Ancient Greek - luxury. Trifon translated from Greek means living in luxury. By this definition of Saint Tryphon clearly not suitable. According to legend, in my childhood village boy tending geese Trifon. Grown - unknown and when I learned how to heal, but he did it unselfishly.

The boy, wearing a name that is difficult to deal with early childhood: he shows obstinacy from the first days of birth: naughty, if do not like something, refuses to eat if in a bad mood and to make his power to do anything - impossible. He may be hungry, but offended by the mother to not touch food until he sees; That before him Obey. Even after a year it needs to be persuaded to eat, if he refuses to do so. Reverse such superiority kid is only one way - let starve. And maybe not just like in early childhood. Concede such a child is fraught with consequences, it is well absorbs all the information and will be coming up more and more sophisticated ways to annoy close. At school, he learns well, although it is difficult to be attentive in the classroom. He does not want to hurt my parents, respect their opinion, cherish their good attitude to itself and gets good grades. But the behavior of the boy - always a problem. Parents often cause in school, the whole diary is dotted with comments. Parents should try to distract him from such problems through sports or in various circles.

Trifon restless, but it is persistent fighter for justice. Often, after graduating from high school to college is Trifon shipbuilding, in the Institute of Physical Education. This is his calling. He is not indifferent to art, interested in modeling of aircraft, ships. Suppose he likes! Strength and ingenuity he does not hold. When Tryphon educated patient and reasonable parents, a period in his life passes quickly and the boy becomes balanced; whims disappear. Trifon marries suddenly and not only for the family, but also for myself. Never hide his true feelings, truthful and honest with the beloved. In one day decides that found his ideal, and puts all aware. He born heterosexual children, but more attention he pays to his son, although gentler and warmer refers to his daughter considers it his duty to educate the son of this man, and his daughter, and you can indulge. In personal life, happy, his choice of most successful. Trifon has good memory, developed intuition, analytical mind. He can not be shy or closed - it is open to dialogue. Does not consider it shameful to consult with more experienced teammates. Colleagues pay him considerable gratitude and respect the authority of his undeniable. Willing to share their ideas with colleagues, trust them, not afraid that he would remain on the sidelines when will reap laurels. Trifon easy to communicate, but never throw words to the wind. Required and punctual, does not allow others to be careless and disrespectful to someone.