Meaning of name «Walter»

Color: Orange.

Key features: Will, sexuality, activity.

Totemic plant: Pine.

Totem animal: Camel.

Zodiac: Leo.

Type: A very long time to set up any business, but have exceptional endurance, as well as their totem - Camel. Like its totem capable of a long journey through life and the incredible efforts.

Psyche: They are open to the outside world, but restless and often suffer from an inferiority complex.

Will: This is the type of business people, but, unfortunately, they will more focused on fighting each other than to achieve the intended purpose.

excitability: In a lot depends on the reaction rate. Long weighed the "pros" and "cons" before open friendship. For the same reason beware delicate relationship with women.

The reaction rate: They are objective, considerate, even somewhat indecisive. Hard to tolerate failures that cause them defensive reaction that extends to the aggressiveness. Try to hide their feelings. 15. Sphere. Addicted to the study of languages. This magnificent translators, they attract as research, if we choose any profession, it will make every effort to achieve the goal. These men rarely change work better because they are difficult to adapt to new circumstances.

Intuition: Unfortunately, it is clearly not enough to them.

Intelligence: Walter possess analytical thinking.

Susceptibility: Do not dare to express their feelings, fearing that they will be misinterpreted and fear seem primitive or funny, but in reality it is not so.

Morality: People with this type of character only respect what they love.

Health: Good, but depends on the mental state. Weaknesses - back, especially lower back and pelvis.

Sexuality: Strong, but is under the absolute control of. In sexual life it is somewhat lacking "Hussar inspiration" too many questions they ask themselves in moments when you need to give an answer ...

activity: This is the whole problem! They are clearly not enough male determination: while they ponder the case escapes. This is manifested both in work and in love.

Sociability: Walter wants to live with his family in his own house on the coast, away from the light.

Female Walter should be chosen among those who are called: Muse Olesya Pauline Bell, Greta Irina, Capitolina Xenia Lyudmila, Anna Diana Stella Elvira Eleanor.

features: Learn well, play sports: barbell, acrobatics. But only "winter" reach some success in sport. Snooty like to argue, to prove their, often going from one extreme to another. Childhood passes rapidly, knees they always split. Good, they are leaders among their peers. Friends love them, they will never let you down and always intercede for weak. Outwardly charming, sociable and like girls. Finishing Institute, Walter almost does not work in the specialty. Among them are engineers, trainers, acrobats, mechanics, teachers, actors, dentists, welders, carpenters. Without timidity take up any job and perform it perfectly.

Walter loves to read historical books, some of them compose epigrams. Marry late, are twice married, but this applies only to "December". Indifferent to nature and fishing.

«Summer»: not too talkative, more love to hear what others are saying. They are vulnerable, tolerant people. Often - fathers daughters who are very attached to them.

Conclusion: These men are not trying at all costs to shine in society. If you do not talk about the problems that arise in their adolescence, it can be said that they are sent in a timely way with the slowness of a camel in front of which extends the life of the boundless desert ...