Meaning of name «Valery»

Origin: Valery (Accel. Valera) - generic name Valerius. Comes from the Roman word "valere" and Latin "shaft" (be healthy, be healthy) and "Valeo" - to be strong, healthy. Indo-European root "Shaft" (have the power to own) - the general name for Valery, Valentin, Waldemar Vladimir. Name associated with the old Roman patrician clan name Valerius and is found in the ancient legends of emperors.

name is Valery: strong, healthy, cheerful, strong. Big, nice and even glorious name. It sounds like the run-up wave and flow of electrical energy that captures its influence. It fulfilled the energy and zest for life carries a positive attitude and faith in victory. Encourages strive to selected target and the secret laws of musical harmony gives people confidence in achieving these goals. Fire energy wave goes gusts. Valeria is often called the abbreviated name of long already being fully grown, it remains Valera. Popularity of the name is small, but gradually increasing, especially in rural areas.

Name-: March 22, May 6, November 7, November 20

Zodiac name: Leo.

Planet: Sun (Pluto).

Color name: Blue, red, yellow, green, blue, crimson brick combination with lemon. In shorthand name - only red and green. The most favorable colors: black, dark steel - can help focus.

Birthstone: malachite, agate, labradorite.

plant: nettle, chestnut, peony.

Animal: The horse, the scarab beetle.

Key features: Mobility, wit, curiosity, optimism, liveliness, sincerity, sensitivity.

Type: Valery active, in other words, man-boom. By nature bold, even desperate. It is not always easy to communicate, because his totem plant - nettle.

name and character: Valery persistent and fearless. For all his pride and sensitivity to women's taunts he is very attached to his family and never be unfaithful ... only if not crazy love will transform the whole little world of its steady! Courage never leaves his. However, it is not felt inclination to confrontation. But he can stand up for themselves and, if necessary, because of pride for him is not an empty phrase. Rakuten stock character makes his mind very moving. As a child often becomes the initiator Valera pranks ringleader Games. Of it can get a decent organizer. With age, Valery eased somewhat becomes less active and strong, but it remains a welcome guest in any home.

Fate: Since childhood Valera gives parents a lot of excitement. Loves outdoor games, having fun runs, climbs trees. Reading books appropriate to his restless nature, - adventure, fantasy. Mother's teaching does not always. Much of his fate depends on the education and self-. His sharp tongue is able to provoke a lot of conflict.

Psyche: Strong. He is not complexed, easily meets. Refers to men-riders. Such men feel good "in the saddle", actively participate in the life. All interfere, give advice. Otherwise - feel worthless and even unhappy. Aim to please all, be all recognized. Choleric temperament. Characterized by a certain recklessness.

Valery strung and slowly cools. Fits him best work to the rapid change of the situation.

Intuition: Excessive.

Valery hypersensitive. With these qualities and good understanding in the psychology of women, it seeks to protect yourself from a false step in relations with the fair sex.

Intelligence: Very high-level. The ability to analyze Valery combined with not less developed ability to synthesize. With the certainty of success really appreciates their strength. Can easily accept other people's ideas. But he should not be considered any idea right just because it's fresh and original.

Morality: Believes in a higher justice. Dislikes compromises. Loyal friends and suffers from dishonest acts of others. It is a pleasant companion, not prone to depression. However, in a conflict situation it can be very painful ridicule. Infected optimism, Valeria not hurt once again thoroughly calculate everything and think.

Health: It should be flawless, but still delivers minor annoyances.

Valery quickly tired, prone to mental strain. Predisposed to be overweight. Weak organs - eyes. It is recommended to monitor blood pressure.

Sexuality: Valery meticulous in choosing a wife. Long did not marry. However, he loves women and is set to tender relationship with them. Considers sex as an incentive to life, helping to gain confidence. Appreciates a woman figure, beautiful breasts. He does not need a cozy intimate atmosphere, more important, that the girlfriend was relaxed and sufficiently experienced in sex. In complex situations, it helps a good sense of humor. Knows how to captivate a woman eloquence and beautiful courtship. He has a lot of chances for mutual understanding with Anna Natalia Maya Lina, Olesya Marina and Svetlana.

Marriage: Family for Valeria after marriage is the highest value. The wife should always be accurate, and spiritually developed glubokoporyadochnoy kind.

In Monogamous marriage Valery and strongly attached to his wife. With great tenderness refers to children. Wants to get at least a small proportion of sincere attention to themselves.

Favorable associations: Zoe, Victoria Galina Hope Olesya Svetlana or Tatiana.

Adverse associations: Vera, Zinaida Irene Clara Larissa Margarita and Tamara.

Hobbies: Valery - people astray. Homebody. Loves to read books and collect. He likes to go for shopping or to the bazaar. Not averse to dig into the ground.

field activities: Optimism and energy Valery help to achieve considerable success in almost any field of endeavor. Its activity depends on the chosen profession. If he does not like the work, will change it until you find the. Can be carried away by the music, theater, dance. Loves to travel. Has some good artistic abilities. Maybe designer, a talented architect.

Business: When will Valery business, it is quite successfully implement their plans. Successful entrepreneurs are those of Valeria, whose fathers name as Abram Alexei, Vladimir, George Gregory, John Michael Naum Nicholas and Paul.

Celebrities: Barynin, Greyhounds, Brumel, Bruce, Bykovskii, Voronin, Georgiev, Ganichev Zolotukhin, Komissarov, Koftun, Kuibyshev, Leontiev, Lobanovsky Mezhla-yk Meladze, Nikolaev, Spout, Obodzinskij, In penchenko, Priemykhov, Rumin, Sjutkin, Todorovski, Uskov, Kharlamov, Chkalov, Jacobi.

The history: Gaius Valerius Flaccus Cetin Balb (in the second half I. ) - Roman epic poet. Posted dedicated Vespasian epic "Argonaut-ka", which tells about the Argonauts to Colchis. The poem breaks off at the eighth book.

See also patronymics value: V. and V..