Meaning of name «Vitaly»

value, origin: The name comes from the Latin word "Vitalis" - life. Reliable, fun, but too soft for a man name.

Vitaly loves life and has what is called a taste for life. From 13 to 15 out of every thousand boys get the name.

Name-: January 24, February 7, May 5, May 11, August 5, October 7

Zodiac name: Aquarius.

Planet: Mercury.

Color name: Purple, red and blue.

Birthstone: Sapphire.

plant: Poplar, violet.

Animal: Tiger.

Key features: cocky, spore acquires experience working on mood, with panache. Ukrain solution of. Hidden jealous. In no hurry to settle down.

Type: fun, witty, friendly and friendly. Externally generous internally rather tightfisted, but ashamed of his traits and tends to get rid of it.

name and character: Vitaly able to change any feature of his character, get rid of any habits - if you try very hard, and most importantly, very wants it. Great philogynist. But, like all men, whose names begin with Vic ... Wit ... and helpless before the power of smart, strong wife (especially if in love with her). She can turn Vitali in a completely different person, rather aggravate all his unpleasant features (vindictiveness, pettiness, stubbornness), so that he loses his true friends, popularity, ruin his life's work. He is sociable and do not pay attention to the little things. Cheerful and trusting, and these qualities are not the result of analysis, not a deliberate course of conduct, and a property of nature.

Fate: What Vitali wants, he will get in life and, as the fate of him unusually favorable. She always throws him winning cards should only be able to use them. This makes Vitaly with great success.

Psyche: By temperament he is sanguine. Easily excited and rarely moody. But does not have a strong will. The rate of reaction it is clearly insufficient. Diligent, able to adapt to the unfamiliar surroundings. He is intelligent, purposeful, to some extent, stubborn.

Intuition, intellect: They Vitaly above average. But too great his carelessness and laziness. Vitali flexible mind. He's a bit sly, cunning but it does not cause hostility.

Health: Vitaly balanced physically and spiritually. It feels kind of masculine strength, attracting the sympathy of the fairer sex. Love failures almost never lead him to despair, and cause only a flood of new emotions and energy.

Sexuality: Vitaly experiencing strong sexual attraction, but indulging in passion, capable of deep, vivid emotions. This is a very amorous man, however, wants to love always feel free, independent. He does not tolerate sexual domination of women. He rather like the type of woman-daughter. Importance it attaches to the external factors. Especially concerned his partner a good figure, and her tender body - the source of his constant delight. Important to him, dressed as his beloved, what perfume scented. He did not hide his feelings, pouring them during foreplay and during intercourse itself. Squeamish and he is not inclined to change often women. For him, the main thing - to meet the emotional needs of your partner, to maintain a relationship exciting. The worst type of sexual Vitaly meet Tamara Nelly Bella Svetlana and Galina Polina.

Marriage: faithful married love and cherish his wife. But people did not show any signs of spousal arrangement to his wife.

Favorable associations: Catherine Zinaida Antonina Clara Lydia Nick Mary Hope Pauline and Tamara.

Adverse associations: Zoe, Anastasia Veronica Victoria Maya and Margarita.

Hobby: He loves good food and drink, to have fun in the company. Interested in music, chess. Can make purebred dog. He enjoys his car repair. Often his favorite pastime, which few people know - or photo collection.

field activities: in the vital prevalent tendency to work with the Science and Technology. He is a good engineer, designer, teacher of mathematics or physics.

Business: If Vitali became the leader, subordinates his love, support, but his firm or company often can not withstand competition with competitors, ruled by men and not sentimental hard. If Vitali reaches at least an average income, it is quite satisfied, and all efforts to further improve the conditions of his life, he stops. However, we must pay tribute to Vitaly, he's a real "Roly-Poly" - so he can easily get out unscathed from any scrapes and start all over again. Charm and hard work always with him, and this - his main tools to achieve success in life! In business thrive Vitali those fathers who are called as follows: Valentin, Basil, Vladimir, Ilya and Fedor.

Celebrities: Abalakov Wolfe, Il'inskii nicknamed Iskanderbey, caftans Lichidov Primakov, Solomin, Tuseev.

See also patronymics value: Vitalievna and V..