Meaning of name «Yaroslav»

value, origin: Yaroslav - the ancient Slavic name, derived from the word "yar" (fierce) and "Glory" (fame) and meaning: 1) glorifies Yarilov;

2) strong and glorious;

The bright glory. It is truly a princely name.

Name-: June 3, December 8

Zodiac name: Leo.

Planet: Sun.

Color name: Scarlet.

Birthstone: Amber.

plant: Oak and nettle.

Animal: Pheasant.

Key features: Bright talented individual, ambitious.

Type: All my life knows himself. Passionate, addicting.

name and character: Jaroslav company always attracts attention. He has good manners, speech. He always - in the center of the conversation. Born in winter Jaroslav - complex nature. Somewhat withdrawn, uncommunicative, not in a hurry to draw conclusions. It is less communicative, but not conflict. Success in life comes to him is not easy. Especially not indulge life "January" Yaroslav. But he has a remarkable ability to adapt to even the most severe conditions and content small. That is to say, the "man of nature", which is able to force to be reckoned with.

Fate: Jaroslav playing with fire, arouses interest ... Most often it is like a mother, but by the character closer to his father. Despite the inherent stubbornness and Yaroslav overbearing, he easily influenced by others. So grows the way they sculpt it.

Psyche: Adult Yaroslav also influenced by the environment, although to a lesser extent.

Yaroslav - brave man, barely holding back pride. Hardships of life meets firmly, not allowing them to break themselves. However, experiencing acute failure, not hiding them, seeking solace and sympathy from friends.

Intuition: By nature, Jaroslav - sophisticated people. "Autumn" Yaroslav prudent and diplomatic.

Intelligence: He is deeply interested in the secrets of the universe. It is distinguished by the desire to get to the meaning of life, get to the heart. Some Yaroslava trying to do with science, having gone to her head, while others devote themselves to the service of God, become priests.

Morality: Jaroslav kind and sensitive but, if affected by holy feelings may be unnecessarily cruel and vindictive It is reliable as a partner. Dislikes frequently change their girlfriends, tied to a woman for a long time. Women forgive their infidelity and deceit.

Health: Jaroslav - easily vulnerable person.

Sexuality: In Yaroslav has everything to please women. And he really likes them. It's sexy strong man. Sexually, he selflessly, able to subdue a woman. In intimacy initiative always belongs to him.

Yaroslav want to be a woman in his arms felt weak, submissive.

Yaroslav does not consider normal female sexual responsiveness as reassurance. And he himself is not ready to be sent after the first date with a woman in bed. Before you make an unequivocal step, he should make sure that a woman feels for his undoubted sexual interest.

Sex very important to him, but requires some foreplay and largely dependent on the senses to the partner Yaroslava. Yaroslav women should be "summer" - Tamara, Natalia Inna Stella Valeria Nina and Catherine. "Sexual gangster" - Yaroslav S..

Marriage: wife worships in Jarosław soul. But first marriage is usually unsuccessful.

Yaroslav loves either the first or last.

Favorable associations: Anna Astra, Dominica Elena, Elizabeth Irina, Larissa Lesya Oksana Olga Praskovja Svetlana Nataliya, Tatiana Faina

Adverse associations: Isolde Carolina, Cyrus, Xenia Mary Rice, Tamara

Hobby: Jaroslav loves to travel, to be seen. It is open to communication and friendship. Loves children, animals, flowers. Sex considers one of the greatest pleasures available to man.

field activities: Among YAroslavov there are teachers, engineers, musicians, writers and just working. But the profession does not prevent them to understand - what and why they exist.

Business: Jaroslav - jung romance and risk. In any case it is a talent. Any work goes in his hands. It was he, thoughtful, hardworking and conceited, will decorate any position and any companion. The greatest success in business can achieve Yaroslav V..

Celebrities: Galan, Hasek Dombrowski, Evdokimov, Kesler, Smelyakov, Uporov.

The history: Jaroslav - is the name of the Russian princes were of 16, starting with Yaroslav I the Wise (978-1054), in which the gold-domed Kiev seemed foreigners rival Constantinople the beauty and richness, and ending Yaroslav Vladimirovich (1388-1426), Prince-Borowski yaroslavetskim.

See also patronymics value: Yaroslavovna and Yaroslavovich.