Meaning of name «Julian»

Origin: Julian from Latin - "of the Julio".

Color: Red.

Key features: Activity - will - susceptibility - morality.

Totemic plant: Eucalyptus.

Totem animal: Heron.

Zodiac: Scorpio.

Type: This male knights, always ready to protect the weak. Seek to raise public opinion in defense of justice, and do not do it under the influence of minute rush, and strongly believes.

Psyche: Sure, they have something of Don Quixote. They are responsive and ready at any moment to rush to the aid of Dulcinea, but at the same time they tend to go into yourself and ponder the fate of humanity.

Will: Very strong, it appears only in certain moments, but those moments are very important for their parents and caregivers ...

excitability: Below average.

The reaction rate: We can only guess at how such a weak reactivity and excitability of them manage to stay Don Quixote! Likely because not guided by emotions, and an innate sense of justice.

field activities: Their dream - to become lawyers and judges.

Intuition: Julian often neglects intuition and believes only in the mind.

Intelligence: These people are early maturing. Have a synthetic mind, they always manage to properly assess the situation.

Susceptibility: touchy, proud and warlike men tend to look real, but are able to cry with emotion.

Morality: strict morality of these people often complicates their lives.

Health: They should lead a healthy lifestyle, paying more attention to sports and recreation. Weak organs - the throat, lungs and kidneys.

Sexuality: Look at it through the prism of their dreams, linking it with the search for the ideal.

activity: Huge!

Sociability: Julian sociable, well they manage to convince others, it is only necessary that they stood firmly on the ground.

features: As a child suffers pharyngitis. He unstable nervous system, it is impossible for him to raise his voice, and strictly punish unjustly. If he is to make a point, but to say seriously, he'll understand.

the Adult Julian: it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, to pay much attention to sports and sleep. Weak and very vulnerable in his throat, lungs, nighttime. The boy soon grows. Together, this well-developed child with a synthetic type of thinking. He always manages to properly assess the situation. Parents should pay attention to his musical ability and the opportunity to develop their. He may engage in early compositions, he began to write music. Very resourceful and able to design. His soul knight, always ready to defend widows and orphans. It can sometimes stir up public opinion to fight injustice. Does not do it under the momentary impulse, but by a deep conviction. Sure, it has a share of altruism. He extrovert - responsive and ready at any moment to come to the aid of those in need, but at the same time he and an introvert - after completing their mission can retire, and retire alone to think about the fate of humanity. He has a strong will, but reminds himself at certain moments that mean a lot to his parents and relatives.

Julian is not so easy to bring to the desperate act or ruffle. He judicious and careful. He is well-developed reaction. It is inconceivable how he manages with almost negligible excitability and balanced character of Don Quixote remain. It is led not just emotional outbursts, and an innate sense of justice. Having a good intuition, he disregards it and believes only in the mind.

Julian dreams: to learn and to become a lawyer, judge. He is touchy, proud, warlike in certain situations. Always striving to be loved, sensitive and at the first opportunity on the verge of tears surging to it senses. His heavy-handed and blind morality sometimes prevents him. Looking for sex through the prism of their dreams, it binds to the search of his ideal. He has a huge activity - it can be dangerous if it is aimed at the wrong direction - the ideals of serving the dark.

Julian sophisticated agitator. Care should be taken so that it firmly on his feet. Let him use the enthusiasm and strength of conviction to serve his own, albeit not always clear and sharp, and the ideals. Always remember that the eradication of evil sometimes ends tragically.

«Winter»: can be violent, explosive.

«Autumn»: never leave the begun business halfway. This name should be given to children in conjunction with the name: P., Leonidovich, Maksimovic, F., Z., M..

«Summer" Julian: painfully aware of the criticism, sensitive.

«Spring»: all this and more squeamish touchy. These children fit patronymic G., Eldarovich, Lazarevic Arturovich Klimovich.