Meaning of name «Julius»

Origin: Julius from the Hebrew - "Flame of God".

Name-: July 4.

Derivatives: Julia Yulianka, Lyapa, Uhl, hives Ulyasha.

Color: Red.

Key features: activity, will, sensibility, morality.

Totemic plant: Eucalyptus.

Totem animal: Heron.

Zodiac: Scorpio.

Type: This male knights, always ready to protect the weak. Seek to raise public opinion in defense of justice, and do not do it under the influence of minute rush, and strongly believes.

Psyche: Sure, they have something of Don Quixote. They are responsive and ready at any moment to rush to the aid of Dulcinea, but at the same time they tend to go into yourself and ponder the fate of humanity.

Will: Very strong, it appears only in certain moments, but those moments are very important for their parents and caregivers ...

excitability: Below average.

The reaction rate: We can only guess at how such a weak reactivity and excitability of them manage to stay Don Quixote! Likely because not guided by emotions, and an innate sense of justice.

field activities: Their dream - to become lawyers and judges.

Intuition: Julius often neglects intuition and believes only in the mind.

Intelligence: These people are early maturing. Have a synthetic mind, they always manage to properly assess the situation.

Susceptibility: touchy, proud and warlike men tend to look real, but are able to cry with emotion.

Morality: strict morality of these people often complicates their lives.

Health: They should lead a healthy lifestyle, paying more attention to sports and recreation. Weak organs - the throat, lungs and kidneys.

Sexuality: Look at it through the prism of their dreams, linking it with the search for the ideal.

activity: Huge!

Sociability: sociable, well they are able to convince others, it is only necessary to Julius stood firmly on the ground.

features: As a child, the emotional nature. The nervous system is unstable. Very similar to the mother. Manifested early aptitude for music, dancing, a craving for sport. In the morning he wakes up badly, loves long sleep. Parents should be careful about his health. He is prone to bronchitis. It is important to temper, passionate about the sport.

Julius very sensitive, touchy boy. Stubborn, likes to act as a leader.

«Summer»: especially "July", too vulnerable, carelessly thrown any word can knock it out of balance. In games with the children he is quiet, unobtrusive, but requires universal respect for yourself. At school age, the boy becomes a serious, diligent student. Has a wonderful memory, prefers science.

«Winter»: especially "December", energetic, restless. Always ahead of peers, a leader in the classroom. He has many friends, but their carefully selects. Initiator and organizer of all classroom activities, has imagination, increased sense of humor. Can lead the school football team, organize competitions. Friends egouvazhayut and unquestioningly obey him. Can not stand criticism, does not allow anyone to criticize. Brave, resourceful in difficult situations.

«Autumn»: has an analytical mind, it is easy to calculate the situation many moves ahead. Required and punctual not tolerate lies. Externally similar to the mother, and character - his father. Able

In the sciences, more than other subjects loves math. Growing up, interested in economics, medicine, politics. Exhibits outstanding ability merchant. Knows how to invest money. Practical, is not capable of rash acts, especially in financial matters.

«Spring» Julius: artistic nature, is able to transform perfectly than in childhood gives adults a lot of trouble. It is difficult to guess, when he was joking, but when he speaks the truth. Very sensitive and impressionable boy. Looking through several times the same psychological film, every time ready to cry along with the characters. He is musical, draws, sculpts, is interested in wood carving - he has many talents, loves to read.

For the "winter" and "autumn" fit patronymic: M., V., A., Myronovych, K..

For the "summer" and "spring»: G., A., Kondratyevich E., Veniaminovich E..

See also patronymics value: Yulevna and Yul'evich.