Meaning of name «Zakhar»

value, origin: Name Zahar (Accel.

Zachary, old.

Zacharias) of Hebrew origin and means God's memory, the memory of the Lord. Name popular not only in Russia but also in Georgia, Armenia.

Name-: January 22, February 2, February 21, February 24, March 6, April 6, April 12, June 4, June 10, September 10, September 18, September 22, November 3 November 30, December 18

Zodiac name: Virgo.

Planet: Mercury.

Color name: Scarlet, Blue.

Birthstone: Yellow Sapphire.

plant: Chestnut, poppy and nettle.

Animal: owl, horse.

Key features: Humility, Kindness, good intuition, advanced intelligence, sociability, sensitivity.

Type: Men-riders, male boom - those promoting business. Name and nature. This name gives to the general nature of human.

Zahar does not like to count money. Hospitable, extremely caring, both in relation to his own and other people's. Everything he does, devoid of all selfishness. To him all reach for sympathy. He is very hardworking. Homebody. Do not drink.

Fate: Usually live with a predetermined fate. Located to a partnership, a feast. All suffering makes him a desire to help. And for this he is ready to go to their own inconvenience, incur certain victims.

Psyche: Good feels when actively involved in life at all interfere, gives advice to all, something changes. Otherwise, feels miserable and useless. To stretch it often women who have experienced unrequited love. Often profess and finding sympathy, they go marry them.

Intuition: Excessive. Hypersensitive.

Intelligence: Very high-level.

Morality: considerate towards the people around him. Wife trusts, is not inclined to change. Just a responsible attitude and to their parents. This sample son, father, husband and friend! However, it is ruled by selfishness and congenital.

Health: Good, but delivers little trouble, especially vision. Very quickly tired, prone to nervous and mental strain.

Sexuality: With this question in Zahara there are certain problems.

Marriage: Marries Zahar late and, as a rule, a woman with a child. Gentleness, good-natured, natural inability to violence leads to the fact that his wife occupies a commanding position in the family. This would not be terrible if it is tactful, otherwise you may injure the sensitive nature of Zahara. He's a good family man, but his wife takes care of too. He often born sons.

Zahar carefully monitor children's education.

Favorable associations: Ada, Anna Valentina, Vera, Beta, Glafira, Irina, Love Hope Natalia Olga and Polina.

Adverse associations: Alexandra, Albina Daria Inna Lada or Svetlana.

Hobby: The biggest craze Zahara - machinery. Loves to go on nature. If you sit by the river with a fishing rod, it is likely to admire the beauty of nature, enjoy the birds singing, frogs croaking. If there is at least a small piece of land, be sure to plant a tree or any other plant. Fondness for flowers. In the movie melodrama and loves all sorts of romantic stories. Willingly and even inspiration responsible for cleaning the apartment, involving work that children at home because he believes that labor - the best way to correct education. Sentimental. Loves animals. In a literal sense, finds common language with them.

field activities: Can get a driver. But more pleasure him repair the machine, its assembly and disassembly. Humanities selects less. And its activity depends on the chosen profession. If the work is not like it will change as long as it finds necessary.

Business: In this paper, patient. If a family tugovato with money, it is better not to send it to the market. He not only is there a bargain, but is likely to "forget" to take delivery. Potential candidate to be successful entrepreneurs Zahar Z..

Celebrities: Pavliashvili.

The history: Zakhar Chernyshev (1796 - 1862) - Decembrist. Friends with Nikita Murav'ev - leader of a secret society. Was convicted (the supreme criminal court) that he "knew about the intent to kill the Czar and belonged to a secret society with knowledge purposes thereof". Served time in prison Chita. In the Caucasus, his prowess was promoted to officer rank. In 1856. he regained the title and all rights.