Meaning of name «Beatrice»

Roman - bringing happiness.

Natura contradictory: creative, but infantile. Women with the same name is very attractive, enjoying great success in men and are able to lure them perfectly into your network. These soft kitties at the earliest possible release their claws. Everything they do, it turns out very gently, feminine and sexy. Very jealous. Their creative efforts are mainly directed at myself care about their appearance and cozy surroundings. As a child, jealous of the parents (for younger brothers and sisters), in his youth - his first love to the world. Calm down, marrying. When adult children are scattered, can disperse bored with her husband and become a woman of indeterminate age, adoring flirtation flirt recklessly and capable. For Beatrice Dmitrievny born in November to a family union was strong, it is better to marry old man; if it goes beyond the winter, marriage may be short-lived. She has good taste, is able to create comfort. Able to care for her husband, attentive, think every little thing in the house. The family she is the leader, so it needs to have a husband who will understand it in all its. Husband chooses a match for yourself, for sex for it is important, it is experienced in this business woman. She is a very proud woman and would not tolerate mistreatment by her husband. When Beatrice married, heterosexual children born. Loves to read, mostly books of interest to her field. She is a good hostess prepares delicious, if the dishes are not designed for the reception. Some long Beatrix marry because of his indecision and excessive breeding. Make money for themselves - this is not a goal for her master, she rarely wants more luxury, she prefers in all simplicity, even moderation. It is better to devote themselves to the arts, film, television, theater. Born in July polite, simple, overly trusting, sometimes too, so it is difficult to make a career. But among his colleagues, it is a success, many people love and appreciate her as an expert and as a person. Her gentle disposition and an excellent relationship with superiors. She is not envious and calculating, always ready to take a more rational view of another. Able to find a way by which you can implement your own ideas, but because of his indecision she gets the job done. Birth in February, you can say that it is against the difficulties and situations knows no fatigue in search of instant solutions or trying to overcome the problem of chasing down the correct final decision. Rarely catches for something head into the maelstrom. She is very curious, it involves all new - and so, until you get bored while not suffer truth. Likes to contemplate life, but can be generous soul may be a thin, delicate. Determined, having clear practical mind, mandatory itself and respecting people only mandatory; most dear to her after her name. In general, care about how to look attractive. Not forgive treachery, but tries to do everything to avoid the scandals and intrigues with other colleagues. Often in the company of men, does not like to talk about themselves and disdains to use his charm to get something.