Meaning of name «Bertha»

Origin: Name Bertha German origin means - a bright, bright, gorgeous.

Color: Orange.

Key features: Sensitivity, intelligence, sociability, morality.

Totemic plant: Wild grape.

Totem animal: Boa.

Zodiac: Aquarius.

Type: These women and their totem, entwine object of their desires so much that he loses the ability to resist. Love intrigue.

Psyche: They need wide open window to the world, they need the public, since they are the soul of the actress.

Will: Strong. These girls do not interfere with the mind will lead his.

excitability: Pretty strong excitability leads the woman to rash decisions to uncontrollable and unpredictable actions.

The reaction rate: It is not objective. But what is worse, they "own" husband, "his" house, "own" life. Rushing through life like a mad hurricane.

field activities: Engaged all in a row, all trying out, they have no problem with the choice of profession, it is determined ladies who know what they want. Sometimes working in two places at once: for example, can be a teacher and in the evenings to play in the orchestra.

Intuition: It is said about them, "she was just a nose ..." See the hidden aspects of the case, see through people and read their thoughts.

Intelligence: Live mind synthetic type. All catches on the fly. They have an excellent memory, especially long and well remembered them caused resentment.

Susceptibility: Prefer to love yourself than to be loved.

Morality: With enviable ease to adapt buddies from very different environment and just as easy to tame them.

Health: Generally good, but sometimes feel strange malaise, often mental origin. They need to "listen to yourself". Weak point of their body - the intestines.

Sexuality: Recall that the totem animal of these persons - the snake, so that their sexuality is associated with owning.

activity: In a good mood can be quite adorable!

Sociability: In these women just need to be around people.

features: This restless, capricious and painful girls. In the circle of peers in the saddle like a heartbeat are among Adults.

Bert - curious girl, a good student in school, loves to read, prefers tales. Very similar to the father - both externally and internally.

born in winter: with a hard character, persistent and conflict. They know their value and are not averse to brag. Like a bright dress and generally be in sight. Bertha amorous, but married, become exemplary wives. However, they are trying to completely subjugate her husband and family quarrels often arise. Often marry military. If Bertha will have the opportunity, she will resort to aid workers and relish it pokomanduet. And yet - Bertha - a good man.

By profession: these women doctors, librarians, secretaries, typists, salesmen.

good husband Bert could be the one who is called: Alexander Boris, Michael Victor, Sergei, Jacob Leonid. A man named Nicholas, Edward Vladlen Igor Stanislav, Zino it less suitable.

Conclusion: Researchers flora and fauna of Africa will tell you that boa falls on its prey from a tree, where it watched. A break from her arms - it is a problem ...