Meaning of name «Danuta»

Origin: name Danuta (Dana) is called the children in Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic, it means - the goddess of the moon.

Color: Purple.

Key features: Sociability, intelligence, activity, health.

Totemic plant: Violet.

Totem animal: Robin.

Zodiac: Aquarius.

Type: Modest in appearance, but do not forget about yourself giving as their totem - violet. This is very true nature, with quite contradictory traits simultaneously reserved and willing to please.

Psyche: Trying to find their own individuality, sometimes turn in on themselves. They do not have the courage and self-confidence. Know how to use his indecision.

Will: Very strong, combined with a strong sense of duty to help them succeed.

excitability: People with this type of character perfectly know where the limit to which you can act, and where to stay and do not go beyond the limits.

The reaction rate: Very slow. Some of them seem to be the epitome of humility and patience, and that just helps them to follow through on their plans.

field activities: It seems that they like to be forced to work other than the work itself. They do not have any particular ambitions, but they know which way to choose. Love sports become great swimmers. Success brings them everything related to electronics, radio, TV. Pediatricians can work or in kindergartens, as young children love. And do not forget that often they manage to bypass his boss!

Intuition: Good. In addition, more Danuta has excellent knowledge of human psychology. Know what page to wrest. Love to play the role of "woman-child" to old age are all sorts of bows, and other thingies.

Intelligence: They have a synthetic mind that avoids the mistakes of life. They see everything perfectly the circumstances surrounding the case.

Susceptibility: In their sensitivity is a certain proportion of false naivety and feigned innocence that made a strong impression on men.

Morality: This is the mysterious woman. They manage to be duplicitous, deceiving others. Relatives and friends of Danuta, be careful ...

Health: Great, serve them for many years. Predisposed to be overweight. These women do not pay attention to prevent joints and knees and gently winter sports.

Sexuality: Strong and complex. Here and payment, and the spontaneity and sensuality fears bordering on masochism. These women do not feel the need for motherhood, on this basis they may have problems in life.

activity: They say more than do.

Sociability: We are always ready to provide the service, even if they do so with the expectation.

Danuta excellent hostess, guests take in style, can not even get into debt just to splurge.

features: In early childhood, Dana often sick (especially - born in the spring), it has a weak throat, make endless disease irritable girl.

Parents Dana: take a lot of trouble their mischief - a real tomboy, no wonder she is friends with mostly boys, even if she boyish haircut; braids, bows - not her style. She dared, athletic, sometimes harsh, do not mind the evil fun of those who do not like it. Converges quickly and easily with people and without regret parting.

«Winter»: stubborn, determined, able to fend for themselves; big sweet tooth. They are sensual and amorous, under the influence of emotions often act rashly, but never about what not regret. They long "plucked" grooms and the result is often unsuccessfully marry. However, luck in marriage only to those who were born in the summer - they are softer and more tolerant.

«Autumn»: very prudent and pragmatic to make a good career.

Danuta loves big fun of it, what is called "the soul of society," the ringleader, but feast spirits prefers wine and champagne. Among those named Danuta can meet programmers and accountants, investigators and cooking, music teachers and hairdressers.

Luck will probably be given to marriage: Paul Peter Andrew Gleb Yefim Ilya Vladimir, Sergei, other names such as Alfred Arthur Adam Willie Oleg Rodion Viktor Demidov, Borislav - raise doubts.

Conclusion: Even achieving great success, remain choppy, maybe subconsciously realizing that their successes are not a reflection of their merits.