Meaning of name «Daria»

Origin: Name Daria (STAR. Darius) - a female version of the name of the Persian king Darius (Darayavausha).

Translated from the ancient Persian means: strong, win, winner, owning, possessing wealth, great fire, winner. Strong and well supplied in this sounding accent puts the focus on the main. It claims this power and the belief that there.

value: Significant, nice and bright name. Very happy, but rather coarse. There is a clear tendency to increase the popularity of this name.

Name Day, the patron saints: April 1, April 4, August 17

Zodiac name: Aries.

Planet: Mars.

Color name: Bright red, red, red, red-brown.

Birthstone: Bloodstone.

plant: Rowan, anemone, thyme.

Animal: Giraffe, mosquito.

Key features: Sociability, sensitivity, excitability, artistry.

Type: Sensitive woman, phlegmatic as her totem giraffe. There is in it something of the child. Arouse interest. Sweet and easy life together. Adapts quickly to any situation.

name and character: Daria are very smart - catches on the fly. And although it lacks perseverance and diligence, life develops very well. She has great taste, rich imagination. It is sharp on the tongue, amorous, very charming. Very bright personality, adoring fall into all sorts of acute situations.

Daria - fiery woman ... As a child, Dasha often commanded their peers in games. She smyshlena, impulsive actions in. Can quickly restore order among children and even fight with bullies. Can not stand alone, like noisy and fun games. Plenty of help at home mom. Accustomed to the organization and persistence. Learns well, but it lacks perseverance. But it has a good memory and natural wit. From social work tries to avoid.

Daria is not petty, always faithful friends cordial attachment. Handsome man. Masculinity, brutality and courage laid it initially, but all bright and cheery quality appear gradually.

Psyche: This is a woman with strong, quickly emerging feelings, but not reckless. Decisiveness in thought and deed, authoritarianism and unpredictability judgments. Open to the world and quite realistically assess what is happening. Likes to surround himself with people. Slightest criticism of lost feelings of worry all the time reflecting on good or bad she did, like it or not? Long angry not able.

Intuition: Daria lacks intuition.

Intelligence: analytical mind, but there is no curiosity. On a very high opinion.

Morality: Her free behavior suggests that there is no Daria morality, but it is not so. Kind and brave, possessing a strong will, she boldly takes on responsibility for others.

Health: Daria can not smoke, as it is prone to diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

Sexuality: Can not recognize her desire: to have or not. In sex Daria different immediacy, spontaneity. Man likes to talk during the next hot, sometimes obscene words. Burning, burn it in the flame - a pleasure! The harder it is tied to a man so openly of her sexual behavior. Nice for Daria Ivan Anton, Yuri, Michael Peter Theodore Vyacheslav and Andrew.

Marriage: Daria - homebody sometimes lazy. In marriage is trying to preserve its independence, but the husband does not change. The family - the head. Often sharp. Her family always friendly, cheerful and courteous. Home she handyman. Gets along with all the family, with no extraneous husband scolds.

Favorable associations: Alexander Anton Ivanov, Eugene Sergei and Yuri.

Adverse associations: Oleg Semyon, Fedor Philip and Alex.

Hobby: Well sews and knits, dresses with taste. Her passion - all sorts of jams, pickles, canning. Loves to flirt.

field activities: often change jobs. Most suited her to be a journalist, a psychologist, an insurance agent.

Business: In business Daria can go too far. In the team love it, but are afraid. Can lead a team, team, small community, being unite and rally start. Respect her subordinates and superiors (even if it takes very little, ordinary post) is afraid and tries to behave when it is more or less reserved. Its excellent feature - to bring any undertaking to complete.

Celebrities: Garmash Drozdovskaya, Dyachenko, Zhigalina, Leonova, Mikhailova, Mitin Polotnyuk (Wilde), Saltykov (Saltychikha) Shcherbatova (Mamonova).