Meaning of name «Diana»

Origin: Diana from Latin - the divine. In Roman mythology - the goddess of the moon and hunting (in Greek mythology Artemis Diana matches).

Derivatives: Dianka, Dina, Diya, Ana, Anya.

Key features: Will, activity, performance, intelligence.

Totemic plant: Pear.

Totem animal: Leopard.

Zodiac: Taurus.

Type: It is with a strong fighters, sometimes difficult character. Do not part easily with the fact that the holding in their hands, it would be imprudent to snatch their prey, and no wonder - after their totem is the leopard.

Psyche: Even in anger do not lose control over a. Have some of these Amazons restless strength of character, often turning into fanaticism.

Will: Unbreakable, flavored with predator activity.

excitability: Strong, although female type. Equilibrated in friendship and love, to hide their feelings and affection until they are convinced in other unselfishness. By failure calmly, endurance and patience to overcome any obstacles.

The reaction rate: Meets situation. All evaluated according to their own criteria.

Diana did not fall under the influence, it is difficult to convince to change their decisions, even if they are wrong. Confidence they bordered on arrogance and hubris.

field activities: Work for them sometimes armor, sometimes provocation, but always - passion! They disagree with the prevailing opinion, if women play a secondary role in the life. Doctors, nurses, political or public figures, business leaders - all they! Have a sense of responsibility.

Intuition: They lack imagination and inspiration, always guided by a logic.

Intelligence: Have a cold, calculating mind. They lack human warmth, without which there is no present intelligence.

Susceptibility: On these girls can not say that they stick to their mother's skirt. Very early become independent. Negative attitude towards weakness, sentimentality, rapid expression of feelings.

Morality: Adhere to the strict standards of morality, nothing will be able to forgive and always remind you of the old Guilty.

Health: has huge reserves of health, can not be no fatigue, no disease. Weaknesses - liver and genitals.

Sexuality: Would all, not even to hear about it.

Sex for them - a taboo, they do not allow anyone to interfere in their intimate life.

features: Grow calm, kind and obedient children. They are agreeable, sensitive to the misfortunes of others and very compassionate. Little Diana often gets from his mother for what brings home stray kittens. Name Diana sounds hard, and in the character of this girl really quite pragmatic, even hardness and obstinacy. Because of these qualities it is possible to achieve success in life. However, Diana - a good man, she, like a child, responsive and always ready to selflessly help a person in distress. However deceive Diana easy - it is endowed with perfect intuition. Sympathetic itself, it does not tolerate people cold, indifferent, considering themselves "balanced".

Diana - a good hostess, welcoming and hospitable.

Her favorite color: blue, purple, black.

«Zimin»: a difficult, somewhat masculine character, they are rebellious, always make their own way, even if they understand that wrong; with her own mother do not get along. They are the undisputed leaders in the home and at work, where they have a lot of friends, mostly - male. Resolute and confident - take on any business and fulfill its. Able to quickly endear people, but just as quickly and without regret to part, if circumstances require. Often married twice.

By Diana professions: engineers, draftswomen, actresses, dancers, hairdressers, teachers, dressmakers, art, fashion.

Faithful and reliable husband Diana can be: Arthur Boris, Myron, Oscar Michael Peter Andrew Borislav Oles. For those who are called Vladislav Edward Miroslav or Donald Emil - little hope.