Meaning of name «Catherine»

«Closer to Nicholas feminine complement it has a name ... Name Ekaterina Ekaterina has its root meaning of purity, untainted.

Catherine the power of his name occupies a place in a society that is inevitably the subject of attention ... Catherine believes his duty may be beautiful, maybe smart, maybe majestic, and most importantly - impeccable, flawless and noble ".



Origin: name Ekaterina (Accel. Katerina) comes from the Greek word "Katharios" - pure, undefiled. The same root as the word catharsis "- cleansing. In the tradition of the West initial "e" is missing everywhere: Katherine, Katherine, Katherine. Catholics, there is even a man's name Catherine. Name Catherine means pure, chaste, true. Fiercely soulful sound of this name creates a picture of a dynamic and powerful force disclosure. Like thunder and powerful jets of rain, it describes the nature, aimed at a bright self-manifestation, victorious oriented passionate relationship.

value: The name is a lot of not very pronounced positive signs. In the last century the name (Katya, Katerina) was very popular. There are even a nick-name: Katia - doll set Katya - flog, Katerina - richer preying (obviously because "Katya" called the bill a hundred rubles with portrait of Catherine II - big money in those days). In our time on the prevalence of the name at the end of the first ten. It is used twice as often in cities than in rural areas.

Name-: February 5, September 20, December 7, December 17

Zodiac name: Sagittarius.

Planet: Jupiter.

Color name: Blue, red, green chilly, a combination of rich blue-green and red-brown.

Birthstone: Peridot.

plant: cedar, lotus, strawberry.

Animal: Termite, swan.

Key features: The high level of intelligence.

Type: Excitable nervous choleric. Quickly loses his. The impression of a woman "with the claim". "People noblewoman".

name and character: Catherine is very impulsive, proud and hard to tolerate someone's superiority. She is concerned about some of its internally mythical disability and around trying to surpass other. This dreamer, she is well-developed imagination. In friendship and love she seeks above all reliability, opportunities to gain confidence and peace of mind. Reliable and bright person. In the view of most people, Catherine is associated with "royal" name, majesty and authoritativeness. But in life, such women often nothing to do with this notion have. Proud, striving to be the best in class and tries to communicate only with the "elect". Its natural determination - of talent, reasonable thrift and wasteful generosity. Relying on their own strength, she often neglects others, even though she does not have the power, allowing it to solve all problems. Changes in the fate of poverty and wealth perceives calm her reaction is balanced and restrained. Not a fool, majestically quiet, sometimes kind, having enough taste and tact. Intelligent and feel it gives others. Overly subjective, prone to assume all. She is quite a difficult character, but she lives interesting and rich life. No emotional subtlety.

Psyche: This is a woman of good mood. Her temperament is often defined as a phlegmatic.

Intuition: Fully muted mental aspect of her personality.

Intelligence: He considers himself very clever.

Morality: Depends on the environment and circumstances.

Health: Shaky, strongly depends on the psyche. The nervous system is unstable.

Catherine tired quickly. It needs a long sleep and rest.

Sexuality: Wear a mask of indifference, it is difficult to excite. Your future partner Nastola to idealize that meet this becomes problematic. Has increased sexual excitability. Sensitive, sympathetic and feminine. Unmet Catherine restless, irritable, even evil. Passionate nature can not call her, she probably - "cool". Catherine suitable Vladimir, Boris, Stepan, Igor Sergei and Anatoly Simon Peter Anton and Vitaly. Special sexuality has Catherine E..

Marriage: Near Catherine is always a lot of fans, it is not bypassed male attention, but married a long time does not go looking for a person close to her psychological makeup. Feelings shows very moderately. The family becomes a good housewife and a caring mother. It lacks the willpower to solve daily household and family problems, and the more difficult task may well drive it to a dead end. Caring, but deep affection, as a rule, to no one feels.

Favorable associations: Anton, Vitali Dennis, Peter Paul Semen.

Adverse associations: with Victor, Cyril Nicholas, Philip Jacob.

Hobby: Loves spectacle and entertainment, but not anything selflessly given.

field activities: Do not feel the need for special work, although the impression of active man. It lacks exposure. She often tries to catch two rabbits at once. Special preference for any profession does not give. Of these women make good journalists and advertising agents.

Business: Catherine copes well with the work in any kind of activity. Can achieve significant progress in the work, integrity and perseverance. But it is unlikely she will make something new or unusual behavior surprise.

Celebrities: Andreeva, Golitsyn, Gordeeva, Green (Rina Green)-Alexander Korchagin, Maximova, Medici Savinova, Semenova, Ufimtseva, Furtseva Shavrina, Sheveleva.

The history: Catherine I (March Skavronskaya).

Catherine II - Russian empress, who ruled in 1762-1796 years. , A German princess Sophie Friederike Auguste of Anhalt-Zerbst. It was a "philosopher on the throne", the representative of the school of "enlightened despots", so numerous at that time in Europe. Catherine had an amazing ability to adapt to circumstances. She had a strong character, was able to understand people and influence them. Bold and brave, she never lost her presence of mind. Was very hardworking. Popularity - the main feature of her character and incentive activities, although it did valued grandeur and splendor of Russia, and therefore earned the title in history - Catherine the Great.