Meaning of name «Helena»

«Elena partly similar to Olga and partly on.

Sofia to be more exact - is just between them ... In the name of the Russian environment, as most of the names, a few spreads, losing clarity of fine lines and several prosteet ".



value, origin: Name Elena (People. Alain simple. Olena) Greek origin, presumably from the word "helenos" - light, bright. The original form - Selena, so the Greeks called the moon. Elena name means: sunny, bright, light, torch, shining elected. Its ancient form - Selena - creates a lyrical image of ideal feminine principle: supple and receiving, sophisticated and flexible, mysterious and weak, driven by mergers and changes of feelings, but inert and not very deep. Selena shines eternal unfading beauty. In her spiritual organization collected the best properties. Name perceived as very good as a symbol Privolnaya abundant, prosperous life. It resembles a gentle and subtle, flexible climbing green plant or continuously flowing stream of light and moisture, volatile and elusive, soulful, svetloliky and pale, like the light of the moon. Love the name Elena is strong and unchanged for many decades in a row. It is forever linked with the epithet Lovely.

Helen - character set of Russian fairy tales, the embodiment of the all-conquering beauty and charm. Name is very popular, fighting for first place with Natalia and often it wins, especially in large cities.

Name-: January 28, March 19, June 3, June 8, July 24, August 10, November 12

Zodiac name: Gemini.

Planet: Mercury.

Color name: blue-gray, yellow, bright green, red, pale green.

Birthstone: Chalcedony.

plant: Ash, aster, orchid.

Animal: Deer, cod.

Key features: Sociability, sensitivity, irritability, spirituality, gullibility. Inclined to uncritically accept the opinions of others, and a sense of humor she has developed is not enough.

Type: Elena - attracting and bewitches woman. Too excitable and susceptible. Overly impressionable, with an innate sense of beauty. Prone to laziness, slow. Loves to postpone the case indefinitely. As an orchid needs the sun and warmth.

name and character: Elena bit closed, as if always on the side of people immersed in their inner world - only there and finds happiness. But this does not prevent her to be very caring and attentive. She is cheerful and boisterous dreamer optimist.

Elena quick, clever, witty, heart - albeit briefly. The British called Elena "Lady sincerity". She is very trusting. However forever closes his heart for the person who paid her credulity evil. Its main enemy - the unthinkable laziness. The fight against this vice - the engine of its vitality.

Elena very amorous, but, finding his only, does not spare himself in his sacrificial love. Elena - fabulous, creating joy woman, a perfect being - the pride of "kingdom" ... Her kindness is not proactive. Good Memory. Character is more like a father. In his youth, shy. This cheerful, emotional nature visionary. The older Lena, the less living space it would leave parents. The only way to free them again spread its wings - give this gentle but stubborn being married. But the issue so that she did not return back. Elena your world view. It would be rare to achieve anything was. She goes with the flow, but happy character and ability to get along with people helping her avoid problems and calamities.

Psyche: Introvert, feels good only in their own world, where dreams of jewels, palaces and magnificent reception. He lives in a fictional world that forces her to constantly involuntarily all cheat. Absorbed in her spiritual experiences, indifferent to everyday problems, Elena manages most necessary.

Intuition: Serves her life plans, although Elena little schemer.

Intelligence: Synthetic mindset. Grabs the whole and does not bother particulars. Curious as a cat, talkative, has a good visual memory.

Morality: It would be surprising if Elena would not have gone to some compromises with their own conscience. Her creative nature strives for perfection, so it is often intolerant of other people's mistakes and try not to repeat them.

Health: Not very good. Minor ailments happen nervous character. Weak organs - the pancreas, kidneys, intestines and spine. Need daily two-hour walk.

Sexuality: Many for Elena, a greater internal charm, ready for everything. This woman-girl, woman-flower, which cares captures bring fans to despair until until it meets a man-father, who did not scare her antics. The feeling of love Elena is most often seen with sympathy and compassion to the person in need of help. Her response to the sense of the hottest love may not be so hot. Her violent passions unknown. In family life, sex has become a ritual in the night-time Elena fit Valery Peter Vladimir, Leo Alexander Dmitry Stanislav and Yuri. The most sexy and Elena S. Elena.

Marriage: Elena unlikely to marry a rich man before him pochtet man who regret. Sacrifice yourself, it expects the same attitude and self. Sensitive about the fact that robs her husband, friends, work, hobbies. Family never completely absorbs Elena. Baby swaddling clothes and dishes - not in the foreground. Nevertheless Barely on - homebody, caring mother in the family creates an atmosphere of calm and peace.

Favorable associations: with Andrew Dimitri, Igor Zakharov, Constantine Roman and Stanislav.

Adverse associations: Anatoly Basil Ivan or Stepan.

Hobby: Elena easily interested in some business. Trying to knit, sew, embroider. She likes the beauty in things.

field activities: Very independent, interested in everything related to the beautiful. Dislikes wound up and sent to the service. Elena achieves the greatest success in occupations where demand the ability to communicate with people. Can be a fashion model, artist's model, artist.

Celebrities: Bonner Vondrackova, Vyalbe, Gneskna, Kamburova, Korenev, Kuzmina, Mayorov, Nikitina, Obraztsova, digital, Proklov; Sviridov, Nightingale, Stasov Tilicheeva, Hanga, Tsmlakova, Tchaikovsky, Shilovskaya-Bulgakov.