Meaning of name «Elizabeth»

Origin: Name Elizabeth (Accel. Lizaveta old.

Elizabeth) derived from the Hebrew name, which translates as follows: God - my oath, I swear to God and. Elizabeth name means God's vow a vow to God, to worship God, God's oath, the oath of God, God's help. Other forms of this name: Elizabeth, Eliza, Elsa Isabel, Olisava.

value: A good name, a bright, beautiful and sturdy. His aspiration is released arrow, sharp and flexible, slip and thrust into the distant goal. It adjusts to the efficiency and dynamism, commitment to change, to acute and subtle penetration. In our time, the name, despite the euphony, is quite rare.

Name-: November 4, May 7, September 18, July 18, February 7.

Zodiac name: Virgo.

Planet: Proserpine.

Color name: lilac, light emerald, orange. Name of variegated colors, but it is dominated by green and blue.

Birthstone: Amethyst.

plant: Lilac, oleander.

Animal: Fox, waxwing.

Key features: Sociability, devotion.

Type: Elizabeth can tell when you need to - is very clever. Self-important. Superbly adapted to the circumstances. Even when it seems that all is lost, does not lose his presence of mind. Indulgently.

name and character: Elizabeth - selfish, impulsive, but a sober assessment of their shortcomings - you always want to look better than it is. However, it pushes it to the extravagant behavior, which she later regrets. Likes to lead, but at the same time soft and responsive.

Elizabeth was born to faithful love. For her mental well-being is very important peace in the family. Work, friends, entertainment are on her background. Happiness is not achieved immediately, but because he cares infinitely. It dissolves well in his love, it is impossible not to fall in love in response. In general, the nature of its uneasy. Elizabeth described as a beauty queen ... Lisa as a child - playful and restless child can not sit still even one minute. She wants to catch everywhere, know everything. Classmates love her cheerful character, true friendship. Aims to visit all circles crafts, will be able to make a dress doll. There is no accounting for tastes.

Psyche: Introvert. Not always says what he thinks. And not always do what says. Sentimental, very balanced, can not be influenced by others'. Her gentle sea can not be deluded - she tries to confuse interlocutor ambiguous hints. We must not forget that it is nimble and cunning fox. She does not tend to restrain their emotions, but she calms down easily. Often pushy, but up to a point. Faced with a strong will, usually passes.

Intuition: Well developed and allows you to pick up a good Elizabeth environment. But sometimes it brings intuition. It is difficult to reverse themselves and do the right thing, but outside the.

Intelligence: Deep analytical mind. This ruthless and meticulous observer, but curiosity can make it too far.

Morality: All in Elizabeth subordinated ambitions and desires. It must be time to stop, otherwise all morals simply cease to exist for her. Very straightforward, can not adapt to the environment. Her honesty is always expressed the desire to cut the plain truth in the eye without feeling the pain of another, even though Elizabeth is not malicious and scandalous woman.

Health: When Elizabeth are successful, then it is perfect and Health. She knows perfectly well what can and can not do to maintain physical and mental balance. Weak body - thyroid gland.

Sexuality: Sex - another ace Games Elizabeth. Hogging shy partners, although the delicate and feminine, usually attractive. Able to quickly understand the psychology of the person and find the right form of communication with him.

Sex for Elizabeth - the art of enjoying life, bringing great joy. Togo, who manage to achieve full understanding, she remembers all his life, even in a moment of intimacy with another. Do not hesitate experiences, discussing intimate details and calling a spade a spade. Externally Elizabeth does not look sexy. It blooms and opens affection in the arms of Leonidas, Sergei, Andrew Ivan Alexander Matthew, Michael and Gregory. Elizabeth has heightened sexuality Stepanivna.

Marriage: Elizabeth often unhappy marriage. The family she is more committed to peace and tranquility. Quietly endures visits numerous guests, friends with neighbors. Her element - the daily care of the family. It happens that it is petty, shallow, absorbed in her troubles. She - a good hostess, welcoming and friendly, but expect her deep feelings and violent passions do not have. Her family - the perfect home, where doctors are diseases where the soul rests and gains strength. Intimate and family life goes surprisingly smoothly.

Favorable associations: Alexander Ivan Michael, Nikita and Edward.

Adverse associations: Valentin, Nikolai, Oleg or Stanislav.

Hobby: Cleverly engaged in housekeeping. Always ready to satisfy every culinary whim. Loves to knit.

field activities: Elizabeth brings to the end of his beginnings. Since childhood, learned habit to find out the name of what works. Her interested in new technology. Profession, as a rule, women typically elect. Not afraid of petty and repetitive work. Tries to have plenty of time left for home. Of Elizabeth can get a great TV or radio reporter. She secretly dreams to be an investigator and even scout.

Business: Elizabeth - nice and sweet woman, do not pretend to be a strong personality to dominate, command and t. It is characterized by; reaction time, attention to unimportant circumstances, the inability of many factors distinguish the main. It seems that people treat her worse than she deserves. In the women's team is trying to become a leader. Very gifted. With the ease of doing such work, on which colleagues long korpeyut. Her career is going well, although not immediately.

Celebrities: Bykov, Elizabeth, Kuzmina-Karavayeva (mother Mary), Lavinskaya, Mnatsakanova, Salias de Tournemire (Eugene City) Tarakanova, Tumanyan, Chaikin.

The history: Elizabeth - The Queen of England (1533 - 1603). During the era of the internal history of England Elizabeth represented brilliant period. England turned into a maritime power. The literary field advocated a whole galaxy of prominent writers from Shakespeare and Bacon headed. Domineering nature and energetic, connecting with great intelligence petty female quirks spoiled coquette, Elizabeth was deep selfish, it is not capable of idealistic aspirations. She passionately cherished their independence. Due to its political instinct and great tact she always knew how to show that the acts-full accord with the interests of English society. This explains its exceptional popularity.