Meaning of name «Eugene»

Origin: Name Eugene (simple. Evdeniya) - feminine form of the name Eugene (Accel. Eugene, simple. Evdeny and management) from the Greek word "evgenes" - noble. The same root name Gennady. Eugene is a noble name.

value: It sounds creates the image of a light, flexible, vibrating and hovering air stream or river that winds around a bend and melts. Reliable, hot, tender and beautiful name. Most popular name in the top ten. In rural areas, it is more common than in urban areas (30 years ago it was the opposite). Much rarer than male.

Name-: January 6, January 18, August 1, September 12

Zodiac name: Capricorn.

Planet: Mars.

Color name: Dark-green, blue-green, blue, beige, orange and lemon smoky.

Birthstone: Emerald.

plant: Fir, thistle, hawthorn.

Animal: Mountain goat, hippo.

Key features: strong-willed, active, sociable, visible, personable, sexy.

Type: It is difficult to determine.

Eugene as her totem hawthorn, both fascinates and tunic. Can muddle headlong. Young and hot. Has the ability to get into bad situations from which escape is difficult then.

name and character: Eugene stubborn and touchy, punctual, frugal and thrifty. She tastes strict. A little bit boring, but it is true and reliable. This bright nature, wild, ambitious. Her actions can not always be explained in terms of ordinary logic.

Eugene - determined woman. In any situation, it - like a fish in water. Marrying a girl invents his own world, which is difficult to understand a stranger - there the laws and regulations. She may receive an interest in religion. Can be carried away in needlework, embroidery. Able for a long time to play alone, but it is not alien to the usual children's entertainment: bike, dolls. Inquisitive, studying with interest. Just ready to assist. Loves to communicate with parents. To friendship with boys refers strictly. Growing up, Jack becomes quarrelsome. It is nonstandard, unstable, restless. Easily change jobs, city, sometimes - family. And all this without any complications. Fate leads her, and she does not resist.

Psyche: experiencing an acute need of extensive contacts with the world. She has a well-developed, but a little extravagant imagination. Loves all his slaves in turn, starting with the parents. A passionate, irrepressible, imaginative and almost no self-restraint mechanisms, without a sense of imminent danger. Starting something, she can not stop, even if it leads the way into the abyss.

Intuition: Average.

Intelligence: As a general rule, firmly believes that all is well know and not without reason, relying on common sense. Rather, hardworking, talented than. Succeeding through high efficiency.

Morality: Volatile: by all means should get what you want.

Eugene can come to the rescue of the most critical moment and will do so without sparing himself and not hesitating in the media. Its in his circle. Close person to support not deny ever.

Health: Good. But often violated lifecycles, irregular menstruation. Sometimes suffers from insomnia. Can be broken. Weaknesses - respiratory organs, especially the lungs.

Sexuality: Often amenable stormy gusts - all or nothing! Only the great love can curb its. Eugene Love - the feeling, heightened to an extreme, to oblivion. She feels partner throughout the skin - and one is able to guess the expression of the eyes of his desire. Not every man can meet this passionate woman. She is very sensitive to erotic game, without it can not reach the peak of pleasure. Eugenia closest Vladimir Paul Anatoly Valery Vladislav Constantine and Yegor. Increased sexual Yevgeniya.

Marriage: Eugene prefer men with old-fashioned manners, courteous and discreet.

Favorable associations: Vladimir Glebov, Yegor Arkady and Peter Constantine.

Adverse associations: with Athanasius Vitali Vsevolod Maxim and Edward.

Hobby: Able to set the table beautifully and cook gourmet meals.

field activities: Everything and everyone around her to be in motion. Engaged in everything related to travel, as well as medical and paramedical. Very well adapted to the situation lends itself to another's influence. Maybe the headmaster, his secretary, a good doctor, a lawyer or a housewife.

Business: picky work, loves to restore justice. Inclined to subjugate people and enjoy it.

Celebrities: Eugenia Montijo - French Empress, daughter of the Spanish Count. In 1853. Emperor Napoleon chose it for her. During his campaign in Italy and travel to Algeria she managed state. Beauty trendsetter, who arranges court festivities, Eugene tried to influence the policy of her husband.

The history: Ginsburg, Glushenko, Dolinyuk, Simonova, Yakhnin.