Meaning of name «Faina»

Origin: Name Faina Greek origin, means shining, bright, which. The original meaning - solar charge.

value: The name is not very popular and unattractive, rough (tendency to conflict), dim, dangerous, quiet dark, sad, sad, sickly, slow. Name is very rare, even a single.

Name-: May 31, June 11.

Zodiac name: Gemini.

Planet: Mercury (Venus, Moon).

Color name: Reddish-blue, red, brown, purple, emerald combination with matte beige-brick, lilac. Most favorable - Orange.

Birthstone: Amethyst, Amber.

plant: fig, violet.

Animal: Owl.

Key features: Faina temperamental, demanding.

name and character: Faina - live, infatuated woman. Loves to gossip. Has a surprisingly mobile energy. Poor keeps himself in hand and can not subdue the emotions, especially negative. The more she is restrained, the stronger her feelings become more violent. A breakdown is inevitable. Although Faina soft in nature and sometimes it seems defenseless against the meanness, injustice, envy, in fact it may well stand up for themselves. Her heart always beats irregularly, often Faina - a large woman, similar in appearance to the father, and impulsive character - mother. Beloved friends, although not amenable to their influence.

Fate: Fania - soft and gentle girl. She has a very docile nature, it rarely argue over small things. Responsive, always helps everyone. Educational exhibits tendencies and many wind up with kids. And they love it and obey. Studies well. In childhood and adolescence Fanya slightly different from Faina. Becomes stronger sign of rough and a bit weaker - sad. When confronted with the reality in the soul Faina appear constraints or its colossal energy finds himself more or less safe exit. Prefers male society. In fact, it is tolerant and kind.

Psyche: Sharply reacting to events, Faina - typical introvert by nature and temperament - melancholic. Sometimes sad. Bad when Faina alien sense of humor. Then she looks at the world too seriously and might do stupid things. Feels unhappy. Impresses inactive, inert, with a few inhibited reaction. However, this impression is misleading: despite the completeness, Faina - quick in his movements, energetic woman.

Intuition: I wonder Faina developed intuition.

Intelligence: Faina inherent good wit. It does not in any way diminish its sincerity and compassion, but instead, freeing the soul from negative emotions, Faina more dobreet and avoids many misunderstandings with others.

Morality: Faina friendly to people and always ready to help. She knows how to be firm and persistent, especially when protecting other. But the offense itself does not. She would not give up until you do anything that might. However, it is often prone to rash actions, sometimes does not weigh the possible consequences of their actions. Then repents. For help to no appeal. Liveliness of her emotions does not allow her to sit still and remain indifferent to the sufferings of others. Small spark from igniting, she ignites itself, turning sometimes in one big, overwhelming feeling. It can be safely open the soul.

Health: Faina few nervous.

Sexuality: In Faina fused together spell power, desires and passions, she suffers from his "talented" bitchiness. In love, it is a gentle, soft, tender. Easily met, but in no hurry to meet with a man close. Important for her love, trust, understanding, although sex is not in last place. But without mutual feelings she does not enter into an intimate relationship. Most often, her first sexual experience happens after the wedding. Feeling of love is given entirely. Good energy Faina should give those who love it, Faina modest, to some extent even puritan. Intimate conversations on topics not lead. Do not expose your personal life on public display. The most sexy Faina Abramovna.

Marriage: The family Faina usually many children whom she loves, regrets, but keeps in extraordinary rigor. Good housewife, loves to cook. With joy receives visitors and long talks over tea. Get married once, which is often. Husband rarely changes. Extremely rare to break relations, only in the case of adultery.

Favorable associations: Gennady Victor, Jaroslaw, Alexei, Igor Roman and Gleb.

Adverse associations: Anton Boris, Ivan Simon Timothy Yang Felix Stepan.

Hobby: Leisure time Faina likes to spend with family or friends, but do not want to go far from home. He reads a lot, especially the classics. She likes romance, adventure, comedy.

field activities: Faina has often become a kindergarten teacher, a teacher in junior high or pediatrician. Interested in history, literature, often writes itself. Can work in the trade (even in leadership positions), accountant, cook, hairdresser.

Business: To place in life, love and work, will have to perform the feat Faina. Only then did she knows success in love, warmth, friendship and job satisfaction. This is a wonderful worker, who gives strength to all. Rapidly moving service, but does not seek to make a career. For her, the main thing - to engage in favorite job and do it well, and the rest is not so important.

Celebrities: Ayzengart, Vahreva (Jiang, wife of the son of Chiang Kai-shek), Permilovskoe Shevchenko.

The history: Faina Ranevskaya (1896-1984) - the great Russian actress. Such a bright, distinctive, exuberant acting talent was not anybody. But in his youth in Moscow, she was not able to do any of the theater studios because of the "complete lack of talent". It was only after a long journey comprising provincial troupes in 1930. it took in the Chamber Theatre, where Ranevskaia showed that is capable of.

Faina Ranevskaya was brilliant actress, a true sensation of cinema and theater. Her best roles: Rose Skorokhod ("Dream"), mother of the bride ("The Wedding"), Margaret L. ("Spring"), stepmother ("Cinderella"), Lola ("Foundling"), Frau Wurst ("They have a Homeland ") and many others.