Meaning of name «Felicia»

Value Name: Felicia Latin - "Happy".

Color: Orange.

Key features: Will, intellect, intuition, communicative.

Totemic plant: Oleander.

Totem animal: Fox.

Zodiac: Aquarius.

Type: Felicia is able to command and, when necessary, are very dexterous. Self-important. Superbly adapted to the circumstances. Even when it seems that all is lost, do not lose his presence of mind.

Psyche: Introverts. Do not always say what they think, and do not always do what they say.

Felicia is very level-headed, not influenced. Make no mistake their gentle appearance - they will try to lead you astray ambiguous hints. Do not forget that it is nimble and cunning fox.

Will: A strong and well-organized. To better comply with their interests, Felicia willing to pretend they do not understand what you're saying, or can not do what you require from them.

excitability: Clean the outer.

The reaction rate: A few slow, which, however, does not prevent them, if necessary, to respond with lightning speed. At heart, believe in my lucky star. Their imagination inferior intellect, though they try to give other people's ideas and thoughts for their.

field activities: Accustomed to the end of its endeavors to bring.

Felicia learned habit from childhood to find out the name of what works. They are interested in new technologies, especially electronics, they make great TV - and radio reporters. Sometimes at high tide candor can admit that they would like to become investigators and even scout.

Intuition: the development of intuition allows them to choose good over the environment.

Intelligence: Do Felicia deep analytical mind. This ruthless and meticulous observers, but curiosity can lead them too far.

Susceptibility: We would like to rush into the arms of the one love, but the complex nature prevents them from shoulder to cling to favorite. Keep themselves somewhat cold, with close contact does not feel.

Morality: Everything in them is subject to the ambitions and desires. These women need time to stop, otherwise all morals simply cease to exist for them.

Health: When they succeed, then the perfect health.

Felicia she knows perfectly well what can and can not do to preserve physical and mental balance. Weak spot - the thyroid gland.

Sexuality: Another trump card in their game. Hogging shy partners who often do not know who they are dealing.

activity: Their activity - this activity earner, they do not stop at nothing to achieve his goal. In life, very lucky and happy.

Sociability: Felicia has a gift quickly meet people.

Feature name: The girl is very lively, restless. Early starts walking. Located to the lung disease, afraid of drafts. Felicia is desirable to give to the sports section, and not only for the sake of her health, but to its excess energy has been applied.

At school: she is the leader, mostly friends with girls, but boys and society in itself will not give offense. Can play with the guys in hockey and football go in no way inferior to them.

Felicia loves to spend time in the kitchen next to my mother, interested in everything that is connected with the preparation of food. Abhors the guests when they arrive, locked in her room and waits patiently for leave: adult society it wearies. With peers is quite different. Goes hiking, rarely misses a new movie theater.

Felicia collects herbarium of rare plants, animal lover. Since childhood, is not afraid of dogs, boldly walks up to them. Often brings home a sick puppy or cat treats injured paw or depriving.

Felicia has an original temperament: never going to do what they do all. She has everything there own opinion. Very inventive, dreamer. Resistant to find new truths. Can become a professional athlete, achieves better results in swimming, cycling.

«The December" Felicia: flighty, overly emotional. Good-natured soul of any company. Skilled storyteller, she has a keen sense of humor, knows a lot of jokes.

In adulthood: it appears the more friends among men. She can not stand gossip, gossip, and the men closest to her by nature.

Felicia good diplomat who knows who and how to behave. Can be kind and helpful, and maybe sharp, categorical. High intellectual capacity allows it to easily absorb any knowledge, information it absorbs instantly, remembers everything. If the case can flash his extensive knowledge. She knows infinitely many, aware of everything happening in the world of art, politics, sports. Interested in history, it is easy and gives the exact sciences.

Felicia independent, individualist by nature, to some extent, and selfish. Not tolerate the pressure to impose someone's opinion can not be. Correctly chooses a profession, as a rule, is making significant progress. Dedicated to some extent - a fan. It is easy to find like-minded people, everyone is glad to help her. Working with her interesting and promising.

In his personal life: too amorous easily acquainted with men, quickly goes to the close relationship. Instantly ignites but soon it all becomes boring and she is looking for new sensations and entertainment. Married Felicia comes after twenty-five - thirty years. Poor gets along with his mother, who tries to live separately from their parents - both their spouse and.

Felicia knows how to be patient when you need it, but to endure insults for no reason will not: always rebuffed. In any situation, able to control themselves, always smiling charmingly, considering pointless to spoil his mood and nervous system. Has the ability to transmit its state of rest around - it is always easy and free.

Conclusion: It is women who will be willing to life "most-most" and pursue its. And is this not, strictly speaking, is called success?