Meaning of name «Theodore»

Value Name: Theodore Greek - God's gift.

Derivatives: Fedorko, Dora Fenya.

Name-: January 12, February 24, 3, March 23, 18, April 29, June 9, September 24, November 27.

Feature name: Synonym male named Theodore. Theodore usually the favorite in the family, and for this reason is often spoiled and capricious, tears from parents seeking what she wanted. But she was not angry, funny. She helps her mother around the house, but it often does, if she would promise some reward: a toy or chocolate.

Theodore - quite a capable girl, but often learns worse than it could, as restless, she found it difficult to sit at the same place. She willingly plays with children from other families, but not always subject to the general rules of the game, and it often leads to quarrels. But she generally good relations with peers. If matured Theodore lives with his parents, it is sometimes spoiled, capricious, what was a girl in childhood. Much more often, it becomes fairly independent person, able to answer for their actions. If Theodora account for itself to provide for themselves and take responsibility for their actions, it is rapidly changing for the better. Then Theodore becomes mandatory, more attentive to others, begins to reckon with other people's opinion. However, it is just like a child, restless and does not like to work, but at least make yourself do it, and usually the service claims it does not happen.

Theodore works: as much as you need to ensure your life. It does not seek to make a career. And after marriage as possible trying to quit your job. But this woman is a great wife and mistress, sociable, but her little friends. It closed a few little talks about himself and does not share their joys and problems, even with close friends.

woman named Theodora: not too responsive, although it helps if it is requested by the. In a society listens more than he talks, does not like big companies.

Theodore is a success in men, but the choice is always makes herself. Married there twice. Second marriage usually happy. She's a wonderful mother.

Theodore amorous, but not too constant in their hobbies: today she likes a man, another tomorrow, and the day after the third. She loves to play the feelings of his fans, but often she falls in love with one of them. Often in early adolescence experiencing large, sometimes unrequited love, the memory of which cherishes, often those relationships are ideal for her, and the woman is constantly comparing your present partner in order. And since Theodore inclined to idealize the person with whom long since parted, it is often its partners can not withstand this comparison, and she parted with them forever. Because of this, Theodore often feels unsatisfied by what becomes irritable. But if the life of Theodora happens that a man is capable of making her forget about the first lover and give her a new and strong feelings, it settles down and becomes affectionate, gentle and caring.

Theodore, born in spring: kind, open. She is responsive, always happy to help others. But very trusting and often fails and is deceived. This woman is going through hard treason lover, but what happened nor what it teaches, and often comes back into the same trap.

Theodore homebody, good hostess, an excellent cook. He loves animals, especially cats. He reads a lot, mostly classics, but sometimes adventure literature. I am pleased to go to the theater, especially in the opera.

Theodore, born in autumn: soft, feminine, but usually frivolous and little interest, except fashion and jewelry. She sews and knits perfectly. Loves beautiful things, warmth and comfort. Do a lot of fans Theodora. She often pampered and demanding to man.

This Theodora need an experienced and skilled partner. She married once, for love, but not without calculation. But family life is happy, Theodore usually does not work, and engaged in farming and raising children.