Meaning of name «Flora»

Value Name: Flora in Roman mythology - the goddess of flowers and spring flowering.

Color: Orange.

Key features: Will, sociability, activity.

Totemic plant: Hyacinth.

Totem animal: Fox.

Zodiac: Gemini.

Type: Women excessive excitability, frenzied activity and cunning as a fox! Ironic, love to laugh at other.

Psyche: Do everything in order to get noticed: bright dress extravagantly, need constant communication. Not easily influenced, they know how to get out of any situation.

Will: Strong relies on quickness and agility.

excitability: Family life these wonderful women are not always strewn with roses.

The reaction rate: They react strongly, impulsively.

field activities: Love languages, can be excellent translator, flight attendants, working in the trade, in diplomacy, one can get a talented actress and singer.

Intuition: Theater Under the relaxed exterior hides a very sensitive and sensitive nature.

Intelligence: Flora has an analytical mind. Enviable memory allows them to pretend that they have learned the course material, but actually they just mechanically repeat what remembered.

Susceptibility: On the one hand, is the degree of personages, on the other - forever young, full of the joy of life.

Morality: pretend righteous, but on the spur of the moment or wanting to attract attention, capable of god knows what.

Health: When the gay, then feel fine, but when immersed in sorrow, then everything starts to hurt them. Should monitor respiratory.

Sexuality: Dream to be loved, but often change themselves, choosing men who are far from their ideal, that do not even know who that woman in front of them.

activity: Most ambitious pretend only to gain weight in the eyes of society.

Sociability: These women want a society where Flora could shine.

Feature name: Flora - inspired by nature, with a rich spiritual world. She is interested in serious literature, such as ancient history, philosophy, often keeping a diary, writing poetry, interested in music. A theater. Read and seen perceives extremely emotionally, lives with the heroes of their life, especially when it comes to romance novels. Quickly finds common language with any person in the school years is more friendly with the boys - they adore her.

Flora is very easy to communicate, people can not stand arrogant, haughty, boastful. Able to listen to someone else's point of view and a persuasive; it always has a weight of opinion in others. Getting married late: creating in his imagination developed the ideal man, long time can not find it. When she got married, her husband is trying to subjugate themselves - often quite successfully. Flora model mistress will not name, she is her "for inspiration". It is capable of good and moving up the career ladder. Unfortunately, this is a name that can brighten any woman today is extremely rare.

Conclusion: If you become the husband of this fascinating personages, you will experience wonderful moments, but in a society where your wife will be surrounded by other men, you had better stay away ... You can only give one piece of advice you know it: "Keep! »