Meaning of name «Galina»

Origin: Galina name comes from the Greek word "Galen" (tranquility, serenity) and means: calm, serene, serenity, calm, smooth sea, gentleness, calm sea, calm weather. There is also a western twist - Galli ("Gallina" - chicken, chickabiddy) and the name Galya that vintage calendars interpreted as "kitty".

value: Courageous, cold, but quite a good name. Sharp and open sound of the first syllable breaks and settles down, in a smooth completion of this vibration. It resembles the motion swings, shoots up sharply and gradually staying. Nowadays Galina gets every fifth baby girl in the countryside and in the cities - half as much.

Name-: March 23, April 29.

Zodiac name: Aries.

Planet: Sun.

Color name: Raspberry intense violet, crimson brick combination with gray-blue.

Birthstone: Pomegranate.

plant: Pine, sweet peas.

Animal: Galka.

Key features: Tendency to higher purpose. type. Public.

name and character: Galina distinguishes the tenacity with which she is the chosen path, and from which it is impossible to bring down. She knows how to get out of the most difficult situation through hard work, friendliness and ability to be cute. Accurate and fast in action, but very impulsive and sensual - easily carried away, and then too late ... Its biggest weakness - the love of children and men. She is a good organizer, in general - people "groovy" and very kind. Such women or very chatty (not stop! ) Or silent type such that the words will not extend. There is no third.

Galina can not be unmade in the room can not hear or unprofessional singer has burnt pie. Galya childhood - my father's daughter. In many ways similar to his father, it inherits many features of his character. This affects the behavior of its. Loves to dress up and twirl in the mirror, society prefers boys. In her youth, she slightly less cold: it is a bright, strong and brave person. With age becomes less mobile and more rigid. Collected, but is able to relax quickly.

Fate: Sometimes in life it does not carry. Perhaps because her difficult character.

Psyche: For Galina characterized edification and categorical judgments. It carries a permanent, not very strong, but a stable source of stress and anxiety. It causes all sorts of conflicts. We Galina strong will, but to a certain limit, beyond which it can break. A pessimist by nature. Reacts to external stimuli weakly, but can sometimes fly into a rage. Devoid of even a hint of vindictiveness.

Intuition: With the right person Galina - all friendly and helpful.

Intelligence: calculating, knows in advance their interest and how to implement it.

Morality: People are interested in it so far as may be somewhat useful.

Health: attentive to their health, clean the house and always looks to her surrounded by neat and cheerful people.

Sexuality: Galina is very elegant, always in sight and can lure into the maelstrom. Sometimes it is - "willful pana". Living the dream of a great love-and sizzling passion, loyalty and devotion. Her sexual behavior is different extremes. In sex sees a meaningful purpose - procreation. Evokes strong emotions in sexual partners, but she rarely meets the same, even though she loves active men. Galina nature closer Eugene Boris, Vladimir, Edward Vladislav Felix Theodore George and Valery.

Marriage: Galina home affectionate, comfortable, quiet but demanding. Not excluded repeated marriage - she will always find something to complain about in every husband. And there are others to choose. This is usually the most beautiful and the most skilled, Galina believes the best wife in the world.

Favorable associations: Alexei, Valery Victor, George, Paul Stanislav, Jacob.

Adverse associations: Egor, Cyril Leonid Nicholas and Roman.

Hobby: Likes to read historical novels, travel books. Hiking - one of the strongest her passion.

field activities: Often Galina - teacher, teacher, teacher. It is characterized by high level of education, especially in the humanitarian field, interest in the history and ethnography.

Business: Galina keep up everywhere: at work, at home and at play. But the thing she had in the first place. Almost always succeeds. Word keeps fails, tries to be mandatory. Likes to take risks, to command requires unquestioning obedience. And it is not always understood by colleagues and partners.

Celebrities: Vishnevskaya, Volcheh, Gorokhov, Zybina, Kovalev, Kulakov, Nasonova, Nikolaev (Volyanskaya), Polish, Prozumenshchikova (Stepanova) Serebryakov Skorobogatov, Smirnova, Starovojtova, Urbanowicz, Ulanova Czerny-Stefanska, Shcherbakov.