Meaning of name «Gertrude»

Origin: Gertrude from drevnegermanskogo - strong spear also sokrpschenno heroine of labor.

Derivatives: Hertha, Geta, Getunya, Getusya, Hera, Greta.

Color: Blue.

Key features: Will, activity, health.

Totemic plant: Tulip.

Totem animal: Lark.

Zodiac: Sagittarius.

Type: These women are strong, as nature itself. Have somewhat masculine character. Start as an arrow or a lark. They choleric, so it is better not to tease.

Psyche: They like the contact with the outside world, but they absolutely can not be influenced.

Will: Very demanding both to themselves and to others. Often wish they were more tolerant.

excitability: Often there are restless, sometimes spoil even the best of their impulses.

The reaction rate: These women are responsible for the attack so rapidly that you can not stay on his feet. Their husbands have to live with it ... however, as relatives!

field activities: Extremely hardworking, always achieve their goals. Scope of their activities is extensive: they become doctors, pharmacists, addicted to the exact sciences, languages. Among them are agriculturists, even the hostess bars and cafes. All these are of the nature of educators and teachers in any work tend to teach.

Intuition: Do not even want to hear about it, considering it incompatible with intelligence and common sense.

Susceptibility: These women prefer to wait until others make the first move.

Morality: Gertrude's own moral principles depend on the foundations of its environment.

Health: Full-bodied, so they need to follow the diet. Should go swimming, hardening, holidaying at sea since they need iodine. Weak organs - stomach and genitals.

Sexuality: For them is primarily a pleasure, as to live well and eat well. Towards men show some aggression. As a child, kept closer to her father than to her mother. Growing up, do not give impulses sensuality, they are guided by calculation. Attach great importance to the ties of marriage. Not like other women.

activity: His colleagues believe adversaries, even enemies, but, if necessary, may moderate their aggressiveness.

Sociability: Gertrude friendly, as long as it is not contrary to the interests.

features: As a child, painful, weak, with poor appetite, somewhat fearful, shy away from strangers. Try to stay close to his mother. Very careful in communicating, especially frighten their people emotional, with rapid temperament. This studious girls, they learn in music school, sometimes - in the ballet. Despite its seemingly "quiet" nature, more friendly with the boys and enjoy their environment authority.

«Winter»: with a solid, purposeful character.

Gertrude - general name of a firm, hard. Born in winter Gertrude - a fighter for justice and in this field often splits his forehead. She is well-mannered and austere, is similar in appearance to both the mother and father, but it is more in the nature of male. Despite the apparent stiffness is a good man.

«Summer»: very nice and hospitable hostess, they determined, hardworking and talented. In their character lacks softness, but it does not prevent them to be empathetic and kind. Among women named Gertrude there are teachers, engineers, translators, psychologists, literary critics. Some Gertrude did not marry, and those who leave - faithful and loyal wife. They will be happy with one of those who are called Vladimir, Alexander Sergei, Michael Simeon or Alexis and most likely will not develop their life with Nicholas, Anatoly Vladlen Stanislav, Innocent or Samuel.

Conclusion: It is not the women, next to which is easy to live, but they are so hard to move to the target, have a capacity for work and so eager to do good, to them that sin not to bow your head. Which is what in the end ... some men last only advice - beware of their anger!