Meaning of name «Karina»

Value Name: Karina translates as "dear»

Color: Green.

Key features: Sexuality, sensitivity, sociability, activity.

Totemic plant: Cedar.

Totem animal: Swallow.

Zodiac: Libra.

Type: Since childhood, the family asked the extraordinary pace of life. Both active and phlegmatic, their main feature - the ability to resolve a few minutes any problem. Very mobile, can not sit still. As their totem, swallow, love the sun and love travel.

Psyche: Want to know everything and everything to survive, do not like to be in the shade. Prone to mental striptease, and if you refuse to hear their confessions, then hit the heart.

Will: Is it their ambition, the desire simply to assert itself? Kareena can only answer this question.

excitability: Often caused artificially, in other words, they know how to play the emotions themselves and believe in them.

The reaction rate: Do not like it when something is being done without their knowledge and participation, they need to play an important, if not the main role in a comedy called life. These women like to surround yourself with good company of friends, failures do not knock them out of the rut.

field activities: Can not say that they liked to learn, they learn along the way. They make reporters, travelers, their profession should be associated with travel.

Intuition: Most use their own judgment than intuition.

Intelligence: smart, think globally. They have golden hands, they can do anything, at least so they say.

Susceptibility: These women need love and want to be told that they are loved.

Morality: solid, capable of heroic deeds, understand other people's weaknesses, but they are intolerant of their own mistakes.

Health: Karina gourmet, and hence all their problems. Since childhood, you must follow the diet.

Sexuality: Nothing not denied to those who love them loving heart.

activity: These women have a tremendous opportunity.

Sociability: Love to have guests like family, often just crazy about his love for the children, but the role of the wife Karina understands somewhat unusual. Their husbands need a large dose of stoicism.

Feature name: By nature Karina - choleric. Impulsive, easily excitable, quickly goes out of himself, proud, impregnable. She is considered a person with a claim. But this is only a first impression. In fact, she timid and diffident. Intelligent, she is well aware of this and makes it feel around. Inclined to accept reproach in his address, too demanding on yourself. She has a difficult character. But her life is interesting and full of various events. Has a strong will, but does not know how to use it and confront adversity. It is easier to play the role of injured. In a fit of rage looks unsightly, it confuses her admirers. Karina almost no urge to work, although he is very mobile and restless. Its activity is bordered by aggressiveness. This woman needs some success, but to achieve it, is usually not enough endurance. In addition, she often tries to catch two rabbits at the same time. Has the gift of intuition. However, too overestimates himself and underestimates even despises other. In her life she had to endure major setbacks, but she never loses faith in his star, and very pleased with myself, only trusts his mind. But he is, and it brings. It gathers around itself useful people. They - her friends and guests.

Karina is beautiful, charming, graceful. These qualities hide her emotional callousness, selfishness and lack of compassion. Its morality depends on upbringing and circumstances. Since childhood, she should be taught moral principles, respect for others.

Karina wears a mask of indifference to men, it is difficult to excite. Hence countless misunderstandings, sometimes very painful. Expected partner so idealizes that meet such ever becomes problematic. Her precarious health, and it is totally dependent on her mind. The nervous system is unstable. Tired quickly. It needs a long sleep to recuperate. You can not overload her mentally.

«Winter» Karina: critical, proud, independent.

«Autumn»: prudence, able to control a. Can work teacher, health worker, translator.

«Summer»: extravagant, cheerful, often careless.

«Spring» Karina: mysterious, unpredictable. Can work musician, chef, a cutter.

name comes to patronymics: Arturovna, Artemovna, Andriivna, V., F., Glebovna, L..

Conclusion: This charming hotties who angelically predispose you to marriage.