Meaning of name «Caroline»

The Latin queen crowned. This type of secretive, indecisive and loving yourself women. With a few aristocratic manners, know how to dress well, tireless in choosing new hairstyles. They do not like to learn and do so only out of necessity - to acquire the status of educated ladies. Happy marriage - the purpose for them more attractive. In cases Carolina little slow, barely makes decisions - usually after many doubts and prolonged spiritual struggle.

If she had a little more caution in such privacy! But no, here it acts first, then ponders his actions, so, of course, often fired. Her first marriage is most often unsuccessful, the second - much happier.

Carolina has excellent intuition - sometimes on the verge of foresight. Anyway, the ability to anticipate many of the events of his life. She likes to dream (this is especially true of women autumn), envision some kind of ideal life with a fabulous prince and then with difficulty returning to everyday life - dishwashing or checking son '. In life it is often lacking in material well-being, comfort and everyday, in the end, just money. Carolyn can be called a clubby, but they are so only in a circle of close friends and very old, in principle, these women kept in the expression of feelings. They do not accept any rumors and gossip, find reprehensible someone imposing their point of view. Carolina jealous and take hard men of treason. These women really need to understand, and if they find a suitable partner, blossom before our eyes. Energy and karma name By its name Carolina energy like foggy mirror in which you can watch endlessly. However, this does not apply to others, on behalf of which the mesmerizing energy weak effect - in the end, surrounding their care, but to the very Carolina, which risks gradually dissolve and drown in this whirlpool of introspection and narcissism. Well, maybe so far the case and does not go down, however some detachment from reality fantasies Carolina is observed in the majority of cases. She has a huge ego, devoid of any activity was, in real life it deprives Carolina that confidence, which it has in their dreams. No, in our age, with its pragmatic nature usually have a tough time, she would have been born in the time of romanticism, and even in some wealthy aristocratic family, plus everything beautiful, and besides ... In short, even these can be counted more than one hundred, but, first, it is impossible, and secondly, in those days, like dreams do not make people happy. For happiness is always needed activity and independence, and the energy behalf Carolina as a sin fascinates her without letting escape from captivity sweet dreams. Only very close friends with Carolina able fully disclosed, and it is often only because he believes that their loved ones an integral part of their lives. Only with them she cheerful and mobile, but perhaps too keen on itself and its own emotions. Alas, such infantilism little to successful destiny - to succeed Carolina will be very difficult. Besides, where is the guarantee that the family life of her husband's love, which he is ready to melt fragility of his intended, over time, not give way to more pragmatic requirements of a hungry stomach? But to the economy in the hands of Carolina just do not lie. However, to avoid possible disappointment: after all, you need to do - it's just learn to accept the world for what it has. Is it so bad? At least, few willing to give it up voluntarily. And if you manage to reconcile Carolina dream with reality and fantasy that it may one day find a good reflection in some creativity. Indecision communication secrets and some detachment Carolina often provides her supporting roles in life. In most cases, it is in dire need of someone's patronage, and may, as they say, melt, feeling somebody in a balanced, self-confident force. In general, conflicts with her rarely become too abrupt, and can reassure her elementary sympathy to her.