Meaning of name «Larissa»

Origin: Name Larisa (rarely - Larissa) takes its name from the ancient Greek city of Larissa.

Another version: from the Latin word "Larus" and the Greek "lyarus" - Seagull. The original meaning of the name of this bird - a voracious. Another version from the Greek word "LaRosa" - a nice, sweet. Name Larisa means gull, sweet, pleasant.

value: Bright, cheery, good name, a majestic and powerful. Smooth flow of energy that name sharply rushes forward like a laser beam piercing reality. Moscow is the name given to three, in other cities - seven, in the village - ten newborn girls out of every thousand.

Name-: April 8

Zodiac name: Aries.

Planet: Sun.

Color name: orange, dark red, dark blue, white and red with a bluish.

Birthstone: Aventurine.

plant: Lipa, hawthorn.

Animal: Lan, zolotorunny ram.

Key features: Sociability, diligence, expressiveness, attraction, high intelligence.

Type: All her life unfolds in an attempt to balance the two traits of her character: a few choleric temperament and penchant for deep compassion and sacrifice.

name and character: Externally Larissa closed, does not like to be frank. Her humble nature can do a disservice to her. Like in the flame with a smooth and light base and rushing, dynamic edge, Larissa combines open toast with penetration, smooth sharpening, creating an image of the plastic energy. Larissa dual nature: it is something majestic and at the same time - something helpless. As a child, Lara - vicious child, invisible against the background of active aspiring stand peers. Caring for any animal, she would be able to overcome their insecurity, develop faith in their own strength.

Psyche: Larissa overly impressionable. Life teaches restrain inherent in the nature of her aggressiveness and others not to impose their ideas and experiences.

Larisa very objective. It would just be unhappy if she had to devote his life to someone submission. Thinks particularly confident in their abilities. If we are talking about something abstract, hesitant and timid as a fawn.

Intuition: Intuition often brings her, especially when it comes to personal relationships.

Intelligence: Her mind sometimes becomes powerless in riddles that throws reality.

Morality: High. Looking for an excuse mistakes of other players, and does not forgive anything. Does not tolerate interference in their life. Many take to heart, is very vulnerable.

Health: Great (only weak kidneys). Very active and does not feel tired.

Sexuality: Assigned to reason. It lacks a healthy selfishness.

Larissa tender, delicate, sensitive, obedient to love. "Sweet woman". So dedicate poems. However, her sexuality or underdeveloped, or constrained by reason. It happens that she never disclosed, even when there are children. Such as she obtained loving and loyal wife.

Marriage: Life without women with the same name would be fresh. Married, Larisa not re-educates her husband, and takes it with all faults. Outwardly it appears that attitude and children - cool. Anyway, Larissa rarely quits his job to devote herself to the upbringing of children. However, the only event that can force Larissa to divorce is infidelity husband. It refers to a change in disgust, while the future of loneliness gives her a lot of trouble.

Favorable associations: Arkady Athanasius George Maxim and Yury.

Adverse associations: with Gregory, Ivan and Edward.

Hobby: Larissa loves children and can be a wonderful kindergarten teacher.

field activities: The scope of its activities is very diverse. She disciplined. Typically, Larissa - richly endowed by nature. Can achieve great success in linguistics, philology, programming. Can work as a nurse, nurse, pediatrician, flight attendant. Can be a great teacher she is smooth with all nobody highlights.

Business: Larissa often completely devoted himself to work and favorite business. Patiently refers to is not always fair to her relative. Exacting, scrupulous - up to create unnecessary problems for others and itself. With Larisa usually fold best business relations. It is possible to hope, it will not fail. Born leader, a good organizer. With people a hard and cold, but always fair. Subordinates happens dislike her because of austerity, but help is most readily turn to it.

Celebrities: Alexander Vasilyeva, Valley, Latynina, Luzhin, Lazutkin, Rubalskaya Rudenko, Sergeeva, Udovychenko, Shepitko.

The history: Larissa Golubkina - famous actress. In the movie debut was a truly triumphant: the role in the film Shura Azarov E. Ryazanov "Hussar Ballad". It was a movie sensation is largely thanks to the talent and charm Larissa Golubkina. Demonstrated the role of comedic brilliance and immediacy talent actress. And the song "Svetlana" in its performance for a long time remained a favorite for many viewers. Partly it determined the fate of an actress, because Larissa Golubkina now known as the perfect performer of Russian romances and songs 30s.