Meaning of name «Martha»

Origin: Martha comes from the ancient Aramaic - "Ms.". Fluency feelings (Mar) and fixing their will (that) give rise to image manageress by the elements, in a bright manner asserting his will and life style.

value: Name Martha means Mistress, Mistress, Mistress, Mistress.

Name-: February 19, April 25, April 26, June 17, June 22, July 17, July 19, September 14, November 21

Zodiac name: Gemini.

Planet: Mercury.

Color name: orange, blue, dark purple.

Birthstone: Pomegranate.

plant: Chestnut, daisy, tulip.

Animal: Ladybug, lark.

Key features: Will, activity, health.

Type: Martha strong as nature itself. Has a somewhat masculine character. Swift as an arrow or a lark. She choleric, so it is best not to tease.

name and character: Martha smart, stubborn, emotional, charming. Very diverse in character and behavior. Solidity and directed magnetism of this name creates the impression of character that rejects external influences and pronounced outward force of the internal gravity.

Martha decisive, confident, does not lose his presence of mind even in the most difficult situations. Very proud and quite vindictive. Society loves men and is able to draw attention to themselves. With age of her character disappear negative features such as sharpness and habit of arguing for any occasion. This woman "in his pocket for a word not climb". Able, however, to admit they were wrong.

Martha is able to do unexpected. Since childhood Marfusha daring, noisy and mischievous. Not only plays, but also fights with boys. Learning is not too good, as is arguing with teachers, parents will not listen, does not help them at home.

Psyche: She likes the contact with the outside world, but it is not influenced. Growing up, Martha becomes calm, pleasant in dialogue, restrained. However, does not forgive infidelity and expresses man's face what she thought of him. And then out, slamming the door.

Intuition: Martha usually able to foresee and to command. But intuition considers incompatible with intelligence and common sense.

Intelligence: At a high level.

Morality: Proper moral principles Martha depend on the foundations of its environment. It is a reliable friend, but trouble not only helps you know, but all the surrounding.

Health: Martha inclined to corpulence, so it needs to follow a diet and not to neglect playing sports. Weak stomach and genitals.

Sexuality: Sex for her - pleasure. In relation to men showing some aggressiveness. It defies gusts sensuality - it directs payment. To compliment indulgent. Can make first step to intimate relations. Usually it is not too demanding for the partner, as she is not very skillful in sex. Martha usually one sexual partner, with whom she almost does not leave. It seeks not to find a husband. Its quite satisfying relationship in which partners are not bound by any obligations.

Marriage: the bonds of marriage attaches great importance to.

Martha focused on family, tied to the parents and children. However, to engage in household chores does not like very little time at home. In old age, it is vigorous, active woman. Bringing up grandchildren and neighborhood children, leads various circles.

Favorable associations: with Victor, Nicholas, Gregory, Vadim Oleg Alexander Ivan and Stanislav.

Adverse associations: Andrei, Dmitry Simeon Philip and Vyacheslav Roman.

Hobby: Martha athletic. Often engaged in skiing and mountaineering, sometimes struggle. Goes hiking, travels.

field activities: Martha unusually industrious. Always achieves its goal. The scope of its activities is extensive: it can be a doctor, a pharmacist, is interested in the exact sciences, languages. We are pleased to work wherever you need to go on business trips.

Martha by nature educator and teacher, so any job, whether it is at least an agronomist or hostess bars, seeks to teach.

Business: Martha pushy and ambitious. Always trying to achieve the best results. She is a professional in the business, often makes a spectacular career at the expense of knowledge, ability and diligence, and an ability to get along with people.

The history: Martha Boretskaya - wife of Isaac A. mayor, who after her husband's death led supporters of independent Lithuania in Novgorod, and therefore is more commonly known as Martha Posadnitsa. It was a smart and energetic woman who loved freedom. Led the anti-Moscow party Novgorod boyars. After the annexation of Novgorod to Moscow state in 1478. taken into custody. Martha Boretskoi activities presents many wonderful subject for writers of novels and dramas. Thus, H. Karamzin wrote the novel "Martha Posadnitsa or Novagoroda Conquest" (1802).