Names » Olga

Meaning of name «Olga»

Origin: Olga - Old Russian name, previously borrowed from the Scandinavian languages. Comes from the Old Norse name Helga (Helgla) - holy. Feminine form of the male name Oleg at Vikings - Helga (sacred).

mean: Holy, holy, light.

value: This is a rare beauty and power of the name usually belongs to a prominent and bright personality. Perhaps because the name has come to Russia from ancient Scandinavia, it seemed to have laid the spirit persistent in achieving Vikings. Apparently, the integrity and hence the nature of. Originality and simplicity, soft light and a steep cliff in the merged name. Prevalence is second only to the name of Olga Elena and Natalia and equally willingly gave his newborn baby girl in the city and in rural areas.

Name-: February 10, March 6, March 14, July 17, July 24, November 23

Zodiac name: Cancer.

Planet: Moon.

Color name: Yellow, red, almost pure white, a combination of white with dark ocher.

Birthstone: Amber.

plant: Ash, buttercup, pear.

Animal: Leopard owl.

Key features: strong-willed, activity and efficiency, intelligent, stubborn, in the eternal problems. For her, the main thing - do not bury their talents, to manifest all his abilities.

Type: Olga - independent, "worthy is". This is a fighter with a strong, sometimes difficult character. Not part easily with the fact that holding. It would be imprudent to snatch her prey, and no wonder - because it is the leopard totem.

name and character: As a child, Olga - a serious and thoughtful girl. Cries of resentment, not without obstinacy, can long deny his guilt, would not apologize. Learns normal, "golden" middle, in the school curriculum. With peers calm, not Mischief. Teachers happy with her behavior. In her youth, she is different - light, with sumasshestvinkoy.

Olga - sovereign of in their environment, "Princess". Serious, thoughtful, but very vulnerable and touchy. She is proud of, but it is manifested mainly in the propensity to samoedstvo and even envy. However, this unclean feeling ashamed and she tries to hide it even from herself, offsetting very good deeds.

Olga is very feminine, watching his appearance, extremely well dressed. Does not tolerate when she give advice, but to those who know something worse than her snoot. This reflects its limited nature. Her peculiar hypocrisy very accommodating with higher and its dependent people often keeps her scornfully. She is an excellent cook. This is a faithful wife. However, chilly, heart games - not for her. Loves to gossip. Name is common among intelligent criminals and "rock" of women. Most strongly negative character traits expressed Olga Zinovevna, eduardovny, Dmitrievna Nikolaevna and Alexandrovna.

Psyche: Olga - a victim of very strong emotions. Often evil and vindictive. But even in anger does not lose control over a. Have some of these Amazons restless strength of character, often turning into fanaticism.

Olga prone to constant introspection, digging his own feelings. Jealous girlfriends successful. In anger is dangerous, but her personal dedication deserves high compliments.

Intuition: Olga lack imagination and inspiration, it is always guided by the logic. Seeing the connection of heterogeneous phenomena, successfully interferes with the course of events.

Intelligence: cold and calculating mind. It lacks human warmth, without which there is no present intelligence.

Morality: to adhere to strict standards of morality. Nothing will be able to forgive and always remind you of the old Guilty. Inclined to dig up the source of their own and other troubles and make the decisions that need to work on this source and to improve the overall situation. Conscious of its power, Olga never it does not boast, even as if ashamed of its. She is not making its way into the lead and not looking for power over others, and if it happens, it happens in addition to her wishes.

Health: It has a huge stock of health, can not be either fatigue or illness. Weak - the liver and genitals. In the life of Olga too large place occupied by love of suffering.

Sexuality: Olga attractive.

Sex for her - a taboo, it does not allow anyone to interfere in their intimate life. If first love will not end the marriage, the long Olga experiencing this failure. She suffering - from love, love - from suffering. She was always in love with their partners and are unable to separate sex from love. She is sexy and sensitive, it is often not satisfied with their sexual relationships.

Olga created for bright passion and sex. Her first sexual adventures hit turbulence and passion. She reaches the peak of pleasure known only to a select few. She fit Victor, Leo Ilya Sergei, Oleg Vadim and Ruslan.

Marriage: Olga constantly compares new fans to the first man in her life for a long time can not marry. The family does not seek to command, but has difficulty communicating because of such a strong and distinctive personality may not fit every.

Olga jealous pretense in love feels thin, it becomes intolerable, even aggressive,.

Favorable associations: Anatoly Victor, Vladislav Zakharov, Lev, Semen or Stepan.

Adverse associations: Denis Igor Constantine and Nicholas.

Hobby: Likes to go to a movie or a show with her husband and children. Interested in culinary arts.

field activities: Work for Olga - sometimes armor, sometimes provocation, but always - passion. She did not agree with the apparent notion that women play a secondary role in life. Doctors, nurses, political or public figures, business leaders - all they! Olga has a sense of responsibility. Can achieve good results in any kind of activity - in science, manufacturing, creativity.

Business: Olga does not achieve great success in life. It lacks firmness and perseverance in actions. However, it can overcome any obstacle, if needed to achieve the goal. However, what is of value to it, can be quite indifferent to others. Nevertheless, it is - absolute authority to others, they often look at Olga with timidity, from the bottom up, feeling her superiority. But it does not degrade the quality of any. Strength and energy and Olga help others overcome difficulties.

Celebrities: Aroseva Volkova, Voronets, Dmitrieva, Cape, Knipper-Chekhov Kobylianska, Korbut, Kuchkina, Lagutin, Lepeshinskaia, Moses Ostroumova, Homeland, Rubtsov Sadovskaya Spesivtseva Subbotin Suharnova, Forsch.