Meaning of name «Paula»

Value Name: Paula in Latin - "small", "babe".

Color: Red.

Key features: excitability, sociability, sensitivity, morality.

Totemic plant: Thyme.

Totem animal: Giraffe.

Zodiac: Libra.

Type: Sensitive woman, phlegmatic,

Like their totem giraffe. There is in them something of the children. Cute and easy-to-life together, quickly adapt to any situation.

Psyche: love to surround myself with people. Slightest criticism of lost feelings of worry all the time reflecting on good or bad they did, like them or not!

Will: first case, never bring it to the end.

excitability: Their composure easily upset. These women just die without love, that sometimes ends with a mental disorder: they can not make a distinction between feeling sympathy and sexual attraction.

The reaction rate: Very weak - in this respect resemble a giraffe.

Paula confident, and most likely - in his charm.

field activities: Ensure that the flirtation was not only what these girls are in school. Often change jobs.

Intuition: Deprived as intuition and imagination.

Intelligence: Possess analytical mind and excellent memory, but not inquisitive. On a very high opinion.

Susceptibility: Very impressionable, very difficult experience of betrayal.

Morality: Their free behavior suggests that for them there is no morality, but in fact it is not so.

Health: predisposed to diseases of the lung and bronchus. Smoking is strictly forbidden them!

Sexuality: Can not recognize their desire: whether it is, or it is not. Parents are required to explain these girls how far you can go in this game!

activity: Very weak. Doing their job, but mostly out of a sense of duty.

Sociability: Is the urgent need for them.

Paula is very sincere. Accidental meeting often ends marriage.

Feature name: By temperament - phlegmatic, but very sensitive and excitable. Lost from the criticisms in his address. Very concerned, as are surrounding her: condemn or approve of her actions, like it or not. She unstable emotional balance, innate need for love, without which it would just die or mentally upset. Is not able to distinguish between feelings of sympathy and sexual attraction. Always confident and his charm. It has an analytical mindset, a great memory, but lacks intuition, imagination and willpower. Starting a business, never bring it to the end. Behaves outwardly relaxed, but do not transgress the generally accepted principles of morality through. Very sincere, so her outward calm and unhurried deceptive from Paula can expect any surprises.

Paula is not very industrious and work primarily performs the assigned work from a sense of duty. Workplace changes often. A strong preference for any profession does not show. Career she was not interested. The main purpose of her life - happily married. Casual meeting for Paula may end marriage. Husband is correct, very hard going through his infidelity. Sometimes she can not determine the level of sensuality and sexuality. Parents need to worry in advance about her knowledge of the intimate relationships of family life. Sweet and easy life together, quickly adapts to any environment.

Conclusion: Do not be deceived by their imaginary too calmness and deliberation, because of such women can expect any surprises.