Meaning of name «Raisa»

Origin: Name Raisa (simple. Raisa) supposedly Greek origin - the word "radiation", which means light, carefree. In another version of the name comes from the Arabic Raisa word "boss". Raisa name means light, submissive, compliant, careless, headmistress.

value: Power energy jet penetration of the name is embedded in the sphere of emotions, creating the image of passion. Its sound declares itself with the scope and persistence. It is perceived cold and brave. But this does not mean that the majority of Rais - mannish Warriors. Overall impression of the name - nice, big and bright. Raisa name is not common, but its use is steadily - one or two per thousand other names.

Name-: September 18, October 6.

Zodiac name: Virgo.

Planet: Mercury (Saturn).

Color name: Sizyi, blue, ruby ​​red with a blue-grayish blue, steel, red, brown. The most favorable colors - orange and white. Active, even rebellious red behalf of Paradise with age does not disappear, but is supplemented by clear and deep blue.

Birthstone: Sapphire, agate, amber.

plant: pine, tulip.

Animal: Lark.

Key features: activity, strength, willpower, health, perseverance, practicality, thoroughness in work, cheerful and happy.

Type: Smooth to communicate with loved ones. Strong as nature itself. Has a somewhat masculine character. Starts as an arrow or a lark. Choleric, so it is best not to tease.

name and character: Raisa swift and uncontrollable by anyone or anything except their own interests. No effect can not be, but likes to test their power in other. Demanding for both yourself and others. Unusual hardworking. Always achieves its goal. Maybe a friend, unless it is contrary to its interests. Unrestrained anger, vindictive. But so smart and talented, that even his enemies, his teeth clenched, her sins forgiven. Bright character Raisa combines strength with flexibility. She characterized the feeling of self-confidence, independence in decision-making. Major personality is always open, but dangerous to your enemies. Tries to avoid quarrels, disputes, fights.

Fate: Raisa uncontrollably crashes into different strata of life - work, family, and even in the fall, and all to the occasion, because he can bring the matter to the proper completion of her. Unbreakable. Not a woman, and diamond drill. As a child in the center of Paradise always fun and games for children, forcing children to unite, forget the insults and engage in a common cause. The combination of mobility and commitment to character Raisa present life.

Psyche: Raisa enjoy contact with others. Tendency to analyze helps her avoid emotional explosions and resolve conflicts in the bud. However, if so it will explode, the force of the explosion will be a colossal.

Raisa - worldly woman, without complexes.

Intuition: No what intuition does not believe, considering it incompatible with intelligence and common sense.

Intelligence: Communicating with Raisa stranger not cause any trouble, as she usually she takes the initiative in the conversation. Behaves very friendly and diplomatically. However persuade her to his side rather difficult.

Morality: Moral principles Raisa depend on the foundations of its environment. She does not condone cheating - immediately and permanently cease all relations. Other equivalent spent waiting for her emotions and forces out. And the impact it will answer blow, sometimes three times a blow offender.

Health: Raisa inclined to corpulence, so it needs to follow the diet. Weak organs - stomach and genitals.

Raisa should go swimming, hardening, and spend vacation at sea, as her body needs iodine.

Sexuality: According to men Raisa shows some aggressiveness. As a child, kept closer to his father. Growing up, defies breakthroughs sensuality, it directs payment. Dislikes women. Attaches great importance to ties of marriage. Her sexual possibilities are virtually unlimited, both in quantitative and qualitative terms. She loves diversity, change sensations in erotic games.

Sex for her - it's a good show, where there is improvisation. We partner is pre-checks his psychological and physical capabilities. Intimate understanding she finds Alexei, Yuri Fedorov, Michael Sergei, Peter Reuben, Gleb and Vladimir.

Marriage: Raisa - good hostess. The family she presides, forms the entire way of life. Under her leadership, the family successfully overcomes all difficulties. When all is well in the family, Raisa all shines and glows. She gets along with all his relatives. Raisa and her husband usually form a completely stable and harmonious pair. Undermine such an alliance is almost impossible. Husband does not even notice, as becomes a weapon in her hands. But old age her desire to influence people often turns into grouchiness and grumbling.

Favorable associations: Vladimir Glebov, Eugene Michael Sergei Fedorov and Yuri.

Adverse associations: Igor Stepanov and Jacob.

Hobby: Likes to travel or just relax in nature. Yearns for new experiences, including sexual. She likes to shop for the whole family - and that it succeeds particularly well. The company behaves relaxed and fun, loves to sing.

field activities: The scope of its activities is extensive. Her energetic nature makes paying much attention, career and professional growth. It can become a doctor, pharmacist, is interested in the exact sciences, languages.

Raisa from nature - an educator and teacher, seeks to teach all. Among these women have agronomists, hostess bars and cafes.

Business: As a general rule, Raisa not trying to create for yourself a good, albeit a false impression. Cunning and resourcefulness it is not peculiar to. It seeks to go ahead, overcoming troubles and misfortunes work and perseverance. Neutralize conflicts that arise. Loves sensation enthusiastically picks up new ideas. Sometimes it seems that she was satisfied with everything in the world. But behind this apparent satisfaction Raisa usually continues to stick to its line of gifts for her behavior. All visible her organizational skills, so she often takes the lead.

Celebrities: Glaser, Gorbachev Kirsanov Nemchinskaya, Nedashkovskaya Plotnikova, Ryazanov, Smetanin, Syed Shah, Truhina.

The history: Raisa (Pulcheria) called sister of Roman Emperor Theodosius II, forbade her to marry. After his brother's death, she married Flavia Marcian and 450 g. elevated him to the throne. Thanks to the support of Raisa, he had the courage to refuse leader Attila the Hun in tribute.