Meaning of name «Regina»

From the Latin - This is the queen of perseverance, dedication, even stubborn woman. She has a developed intuition, practical minds, cheerful, kind disposition. It is not peculiar melancholy and gloom. Charming, sociable, always surrounded by friends Regina. Any work goes in her hands. Resolute, courageous, prone to male occupations. Refers to any work responsibly. Professional field of activity is very broad. Achieves excellence for engineering and design work in medicine, scientific research, to develop new technologies, journalism. Life goes on easily and openly, but in the depths of his inner world nobody admits, even a loved one, it would remain a mystery for a loved one. Economical and cost-conscious hostess, Regina knows the value of money, but it's not stingy. Good cooking. Neat, tidy, Regina performs homework without enthusiasm, eagerly distributing responsibilities between domestic. Readily entrusts Housekeeping mother-in-law. Mate Regina chooses its own standards. But married her most unlucky. If family life is not going well - immediately diluted. Educates children on their own. Born in the spring - a quiet, reserved woman, she loves solitude and little talking to whom. It is rarely more than one friend, and even that is not too close. This Regina never did open themselves up to the end, it carries their joys and experiences under the guise of unchanging tranquility. But it is completely indifferent to the successes and failures of others. By and large, this woman no one interested, it focuses on your inner world, and it's nothing more to.

Regina spring rarely marries. She is not looking for a partner, because they do not feel the need in this. Summer, on the contrary, as soon as possible trying to find a husband. It enumerates many candidates before settling on one, in her opinion, the most appropriate. She is married to multiple partners. Energy and karma name Name Regina has a very strong energy, and no small role in that its beauty, rarity and sonority. It implies in his mistress qualities such as self-esteem, self-confidence, independence, mobility and determination - in a word, it is really the royal name, and it just is a very rare case when energy coincides with the name of a specific meaning of the word. It should be noted that this set of qualities is quite favorable for life, the more that kingship Regina absolutely does not imply coldness and detachment. On the contrary, she is very active and does not like to sit in one place, she is the leader, and her self-confidence helps her considerably in this. In fact, confidence frees man from the desire for self-assertion, and hence gives Regina necessary serenity. In addition to all the name implies more energy and a sense of humor. However, until now it was only on the premises, and this, as we know, is not enough to ensure that all these features were realized in the character of Regina. Moreover, in her life very much depends on the education and the conditions under which held her childhood. As they say, even if of wild dogs, a man managed to grow such a miracle of nature, like a pug or, say, a poodle, then who knows what can do with Regina talented educator? In addition, a strong character usually meets on the road of life is the same strong resistance and opposition, and therefore, there is a danger that when faced with real difficulties Regina overconfidence can turn the opposite side. In this case, instead of the strength of her will feature uncertainty and weakness. Most favorably formed Regina fate if strong side of its energy will be combined with a strong sense of humor and respect for people. This will save her from many misunderstandings in relationships with others and will direct the force of nature in any useful direction. Moreover, its cheerful mobility may find its expression in the work, and just love to travel. That's just self-confidence often drawn its other side - she, like, and nowhere to assert itself, and therefore to the success in the career of Regina lacks some ambition. Secrets of communication usually Regina able to behave in society, her mind agile, good imagination and combined with her humor is balanced gives it a certain charm. Here are just beware as she gradually not bewitched you, because Regina is able to use his charm to influence people and persuade them to any decision. In general, in dealing with it will be useful to calm and humor.

Sexuality named Regina If a man does not fit her as a partner, even loving it, she would not marry.

Regina did not hide his displeasure, he is bound to say that it does not suit her, but do it tactfully. But agreed to try to continue the relationship only if she believes that all is not lost. From partners requires activity, even though she often takes the initiative. By sex, taken seriously, for it is not just a part of love, but also the need. Before you get married, Regina prefers to spend some time with her future husband, to ensure sexual compatibility. If she realizes that this man does not satisfy her, she parted with him.