Names » Rose

Meaning of name «Rose»

Value Name: Name of Rose - Rose Latin name, which became a female name.

Derivatives: Rozka, Rozulya, Rose, Zala.

Color: Blue.

Key features: Will susceptibility, anxiety, intuition.

Totemic plant: Cherry.

Totem animal: Cicada.

Zodiac: Leo.

Type: Most intriguing, you never know, they explode or sing. From childhood to keep them in the hands of.

Psyche: Never sit still, they need to move all the time to sing and dance. Such women do not have enough balance and stability. Often for more courage to demonstrate their anger, to impress others. Aspire to an active social life. Overconfidence.

Will: Strong, sometimes despotic.

excitability: So strong, that makes them irritable and nervous. Express their feelings very rapidly, followed by a long-term depression.

The reaction rate: Very fast, especially if it is close to vdet. They are ready to protect their teeth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

field activities: More interested in their inner world than work. The best thing for them is an accomplishment of its own hearth. These girls love to help, they can allow early to cook and do other homework ... More suits them professions that require communicating with people - in catering, trade, education.

Intuition: Linked to their sensitiveness.

Rose charming and charming and perfectly able to use these qualities for the benefit of themselves.

Intelligence: They have a synthetic mind, they have a lively, well-developed imagination and great imaginative memory long remember what hit them or alarmed.

Susceptibility: While trying to keep his distance, but strongly developed zaetim hidden sensitivity and susceptibility. Needless restless.

Morality: They delight in equal measure both his own and others' successes.

Health: Good, but they are likely to be overweight. Possible disorders of the genitourinary system. Should lead a healthy and active lifestyle, playing sports, especially water sports. Tend to abuse drugs, especially tranquilizers.

Sexuality: Strong and manifested early. Nevertheless, they are sentimental and truer friend than it may seem. Family and social taboos may contribute to their sexual complexes.

activity: Depends on the circumstances. Waiting for friends of sincerity, and if any of them cheat, can retaliate.

Sociability: Love to have guests, are ideal hostess. Adapt well everywhere feel free and easy.

rose and sparkling joie de vivre. Achieve a measure of success is not so much in the professional sphere, as in the implementation of self-.

Conclusion: These interesting women are as adorable as their totem - blooming cherry tree of wisdom and happiness.

Feature name: By temperament - choleric, able to hide their feelings behind a mask of imperturbability. Strong, sometimes despotic will, synthetic mind, good memory, imagination. The rate of reaction is fast, strong excitability. Often irritable and nervous. After a tumultuous emotional outburst she may come long-term depression.

Rose knows how to fend for themselves. She is very active in public life. Sometimes gives the impression of a frivolous person, but in reality it is very purposeful and resolute in action. Case is given entirely. Fortunately chooses a profession. Talented and hardworking Rose often achieves success in life. She seemed woven of contradictions: both principled and frivolous, sharp and good-natured, loves to be in the thick of things and retire, unsociable. Most likely, this is due to its inherent ability to mimic. Adapting to circumstances, so it is included in the role that it begins to live. Not envious, Rosa enjoys a stranger victories. But dishonesty, lies and deceit does not forgive, can avenge. Succeeding it a self-fulfilling myself as a person.

professional field of activity: journalism, painting, acting career, linguistics, trade and public catering system, the scope of performing services. Marriage has always successful. Economic, accurate, caring mother.

Rose lives a full life, not confined within the household and professional interests. Charming, sexy looks, with deep hidden passion. Like men physically strong, but balanced, calm disposition make it easier to gain the upper hand over them, prefers young. Husband does not consider changes and reprehensible, but it skillfully conceals. Lovers also do not realize that she's married. Is of interest to men, even in advanced age.