Meaning of name «Rufina»

value, origin: Rufina (Accel. Rufim) - feminine form of the name Rufin (Accel.

Rufim): Roman Rufinus personal name derived from the Latin word "Rufus" - golden yellow, red. It is cognate with the names Rose Roussanne, Rosita. According to another version, the name derives from the Hebrew Rufina named Ruth, which translates to a friend. Translated from the Latin name means red-haired, red-haired, golden, rue (herb name) from the Greek - ginger.

Zodiac name: Virgo.

Planet: Mercury.

Color name: Purple.

Birthstone: Sapphire.

plant: fig, violet.

Animal: Sheep.

Key features: Fast, tireless and eternally unsatisfied until the end.

Type: woman-leader.

name and character: Rufina impressionable, not without complexes, but very livable, contact and all feels good. From early childhood, asks a lot of hassle - restless child. In kindergarten, the behavior of complex, cumbersome to education. At school the same complex character, but she dared not usidit in place. More friends with boys. Externally similar to mother nature - his father. With Mom often argues. She should not fall under the hot hand, but a minute later it cools down. Dreams of stability and ensuring full comfort of living and often does not realize that all of this for it is not so important. It easily adapts to any conditions. Character at Rufina emotional, but condescending: all forgiving, even to those who caused her great suffering. Tries to be independent. Carefully selects friends, more than friends with men.

Rufina - "mercury", throbbing: morning - one in the evening - another. "Winter" Rufina is very open, easy communication, no matter what takes place in society.

Psyche: Often unstable. Particularly sensitive to flattery. But the relationship and communication with her very pleasant and easy. She knows how to listen patiently to a friend. Respectful to know, does not seek to dominate them.

Intuition: Pronounced.

Rufina can quickly find a way out of any situation.

Intelligence: Due to the sharp mind, Rufina rarely makes stupid mistakes. Curiosity. But reading a little.

Morality: strict with himself and never considers that error to blame anyone, not her. To friendship very seriously. Her close friends a little, but she cherishes them. Itself - the true friend does not condone cheating - that she is uncompromising.

Rufina delicate and never say to a person's eyes, he comes with it dishonestly. Inadvertently offending someone experiencing long.

Health: On health complains. Likes to sleep in the morning.

Sexuality: Do not have an outspoken charm, but does not go unnoticed. With men behave like this: if I want to - none stand. However, much depends on your relationship with the person who is friendly, on his mood. Shines more pleasant appearance in society than in intimate relationships.

Marriage: Marry Rufina out very carefully: trying to have a future husband and had a nice apartment, and a prestigious job. But achieving material prosperity does not become greedy. Regales guests with panache, spending a considerable amount of. Generally, it is a rollicking. Mistress of her turns mediocre only cares about himself. Rufino difficult to live with: it conflicted not very accurate. In-law was bad. Most often it is a child, rarely - two boys usually. Sometimes jealous, even without any reason, which itself is not happy. "The January" Rufina calmer talented. She manages to manage our economy.

Hobby: Very fond of his home and spends all his free time on it to decorate it. Reads a lot of romance novels, is interested in sports. Likes to visit friends. Goes to a fortune-teller, but few believe them.

field activities: Work may hairdresser draughtswoman, vendor, storekeeper, accountant, computer programmer, a fashion model and a teacher.

Business: Works diligently heroically suppressing their natural laziness. It can rely on. She is impulsive, good, but in the fight with his and other people's weaknesses is losing a lot of time. She gladly would oversee all - from colleagues to casual acquaintances. But life is fortunately not often gives her the opportunity.

Rufina prudent - as in the cases and in private life. This business woman, successful in commerce. She has a tremendous opportunity, and it can achieve great success!

Celebrities: Nifontova, Shabalin.

The history: Ruth - one of the women mentioned in the Bible. After her husband's death she left her good old mother in law nor in heavy travels or in poverty. Ruth worked in the fields from dawn to dusk. Such diligence Boaz saw her master and took her to wife. Despite the fact that he was very old, they had a boy. Obed was born from him, from Ovid - Jesse King, and from him - at all times famous King David the Psalmist.