Meaning of name «Sarah»

Value Name: Sarah from the Hebrew - noble.

Derivatives: Sarrushka Sarah Ara.

Name-: July 26.

Color: Red.

Key features: Sociability, sensitivity, intuition, health.

Totemic plant: Grapevine.

Totem animal: Deer.

Zodiac: Libra.

Type: secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. Like their totem - vine, require care in time to bloom. Happy marriage or interesting work for them - the purpose of life.

Psyche: Avoid conflicts with society and the world, a little weird. They have a few aristocratic manners, do not like vulgar entertainment, such as fairs.

Will: Be careful to not to show his strength of character. But the will is there, and at the right time, it makes itself felt.

excitability: Sarah is a very strong and combined with the quick response. It is striking that this hyperexcitability is adjacent to the amazing external coldness.

The reaction rate: To not to show that this situation frightens or excites them, they keep their emotions to such an extent that they seem absolutely expressionless.

field activities: They do not like to learn, do it only when necessary. Carolina or choose home and then become unrivaled housewives and ideal wives or combine domestic responsibilities with the profession of a lawyer, a psychiatrist, flight attendants and t.

Intuition: These women have the ability to anticipate the most important stages of their lives.

Intelligence: They have a lively mind, prone to generalizations, an excellent memory, but they are not too inquisitive.

Susceptibility: If Carolina and similar attached to someone, it is a long time, and perhaps forever. Very careful, often for years awaiting their prince charming.

Morality: These women have a sense of self-esteem, they are faithful to the word and always fulfill their commitments. Equally friendly terms with both men and women and take hard treason or dishonest acts.

Health: Impeccable. Never complain, tireless and hardy. The only weak spot in their body - organs of internal secretion.

Sexuality: They are discreet, does not exclude gusts sensuality, especially when they meet the ideal partner.

activity: It should be a lot of tact and perseverance at the same time to develop these girls Activity. Imposing their point of view anyone consider reprehensible.

Sociability: Sarah overcomes its own difficult life challenges. Relatives should take care that they do not lost contact with society.

Character: Sarah inherits the character and ability of his mother: she is as good, but somewhat nervous, sociable and responsive, but does not like to impose something to her, she has good musical inclinations, it is plastic. Sarah is his appearance more like a father and is very attached to him.

«Winter» Women: capricious, quick-tempered and overly impressionable. In the heat of anger can be unmanageable, at such moments is better to stay away from them. They have the will and birth makes no diktat. In women, this type of strong intellect, they are witty, ironic. Moving the ladder step by step and do not rest until they climb up to top. Love to keep long conversations on the phone. Visitors are welcome in style, but after they left, try to wriggle out of dishwashing.

«Autumn»: wise and deliberate. All their actions differ restrained and circumspection. Think through every step. In evaluations of people in the same careful, sometimes get the impression that these women do not know what they want. Hard to please them.

«Summer» Sarah: all kindness and gentleness, but they are the most unlucky, their kindness often gives them a lot of trouble. Their family life as thorny: get married albeit in love, but, alas, unsuccessfully. Among women with the same name many creative people: musicians, artists, singers, but there are accountants, cooks, educators. Colleagues usually get along well with them, because these women have in many shortcomings have one undeniable advantage: they do not tolerate Scandal.

Conclusion: They need to be well understood to avoid being hurt. They do not like to discuss the shortcomings of his character and dream about a prince from a fairy tale to understand them at a glance ...