Meaning of name «Semen»

name Hebrew origin meaning: heard God in prayer. In some sources the origin of the name is interpreted as God slyshashy. Semeny grow up like their mothers and externally, inheriting appearance, often inherited and the main features of the female character - gentleness, good-natured, kindness. If you want to have a trusted friend who is always ready to lend you a shoulder to take to heart your problem and sincerely want to help - please note it on Seeds. Semeny chosen profession musicians, doctors, teachers, among them are scientists, writers, good supply vessels. In the most part these are people endowed with abilities, with the makings of a talented person. With their inherent they will often reach considerable success in life. Semen is constant in business, but does not apply to the type of important business people that they consider unworthy of his person to descend to earth and engage in small things. He forgets not congratulate Comrade happy birthday to worry about your plane ticket, arrange with the familiar dentist about your visit to him. Seed wives usually lucky, you will not tell about themselves Seeds - their wives, as the selection, persistent, principled, seamstresses create problems. Semen houses, delves into the economic concerns wife. For him, an empty fridge - a definite signal that to put things aside and start buying the right products. In this economical management of the economy, he will teach rather wife than his wife - his. Loves children and devotes his life to the family. It still has one distinct advantage - he does not drink. Totem animal is considered to be a doe, a totemic plant - Cypress. Main features - Will, diligence, intelligence, sexuality. By type of this mysterious people with talent to convince others. They are so reasonable, that at times seem tedious;

Very organized and patient. Semeny never forget the insults inflicted by;

is not influenced, objective, fully given to the case, however, if the need exists. Overconfidence. Outwardly calm, but under this serenity - Volcano.

A bit sadistic, especially when she learns of other misfortunes or troubles. The reaction rate worrisome. I would not want to demonize these men with their enormous intellectual potential and capacity for work, but their reaction is so strong and so full of subtext that all lead to confusion. Semeny find satisfaction in work, but - for a fee. Would like to explore unknown areas. May be unsurpassed intelligence, missionaries, police, politicians. Have excellent intuition. More intelligent than it might seem. Act secretly pulling the strings from behind the scenes. They have deep impulses that rarely appear outwardly. If we talk about morality, then Semeny always strive to be free. In any case do not want to be bound by moral norms. Sharply negative attitude to what could hinder their cases. Health is good, although suffering from a diathesis. Should follow the digestive organs.

They like combat sports: wrestling, karate, rugby. Not very sociable. So people need to resist - only then you will enjoy their respect.

Sexuality name Semen Seeds For sex - it's a way to experience the fullness of life and joy. Really happy it is only after a complete sexual satisfaction. Simon tries to surround himself with beautiful women prefer experienced women owning sex technique. Semen is very erotic, but in private life is more concerned about their own pleasure, the latter largely concerns winter Seeds. Throughout his life he subjugates sexual concerns about your own health.

Summer Men, by contrast, focus on the joy of giving their partners, trying to give them the whole range of pleasures and reach a mutual orgasm. Knowing the top of intimacy, Simon can not break away from his partner. Autumn is the perfect lover Simon, in every sexual relationship he invests a maximum of emotion and his girlfriend is in her previously unknown world of affection and sensuality. But while Simon certainly should feel loved, he, like anyone else, require external expression of feelings. In this case its behavior is tenderness and solicitude. Accumulating sexual experience, Simon understands the depths of female psychology and correctly builds the sexually-marital relations with his wife. Semenov's wife, as a rule, they are quite happy. However, the Semen often experiencing dissatisfaction in intimate relationships, he would like to receive from his wife more than kindness, tenderness, to see it as a lover, not a neat performer marital debt. Nevertheless, Simon decided to divorce rarely.