Meaning of name «Stephanie»

The name of Polish origin, meaning ring, a wreath. In the last century in Russia is often encountered in the name of his other transcription & mdas;


Stephanie Steph - a woman with an extremely complex character. She is stubborn, vindictive, can not tolerate the slightest pressure and able to act out of spite (the latter is especially true for women winter). She is obstinate and turns its independence in a cult. These women have an analytical mind and an enviable memory, which allows them to absorb the good teaching material, although special commitment to the sciences they are not observed. They dream to be loved, but often choose men far from their ideal. Their family life develops differently, the most successful - the autumn women. The greater part of marrying Stephanie is in the shower alone. It lacks ambition, not fussy. Often a girl with the same name appears in a family of deeply religious people and brought up in the spirit of strict religious morality. Strike one closed, unsmiling, taciturn, but under the outer gloom hides a very sensitive nature. This woman has an extraordinary intuition and ability to accurately assess people. Stefa - lovely craftswomen and kulinarki, particularly good at them entrees. Home, family, kids - that's what they value above all else. In old age, many of them vulnerable to heart disease and nervous stress. Power and Energy chi name B name Stefania primarily striking qualities such as mobility and expansive impulsivity. Expansive for the reason that the central syllable name - Fania - involves not only the acute sensitivity to external influences, but also a very active response, which could easily surpass the reason caused the reaction. Not for nothing that lately has become firmly established in the everyday life term fans, clearly defining what immoderate fans or anyone, and ready to fly from any grow excellent elephant, and then, most of this slonyaru! Of course, the expansion of ostentatious modern fans in no way connected with the name Stefa, it is only harmony, but that's the thing that is not just the world of harmonies. Each word has its own energy, try, say, come up with some abstract nickname man - and you can immediately feel that some nicknames well, just do not tally with his character, while others stick to the person, like a limpet. So, Stephanie has every reason to grow quite expansive, selfish, and maybe even eccentric woman. Another thing is that it is still only a predisposition, not a fait accompli. Much depends on education and the environment in which to grow Stefania. Most beneficial if Steph learn some restraint and self-control - it will save her from many hasty steps in life. On the other hand, we can not allow the restraint led to isolation, because then the deep emotions can turn into a very dangerous passions and self-confidence and uncertainty will be replaced at an inferiority complex! In a word, the truth, as always, in the middle - if light eccentricity assumes control of the situation, it's all right. Stephanie even humorous, unless, it is not drowned out by the efforts of educators, also should not be uncontrolled. In general, the fate of a woman with the same name, as they say, in her hands. If life and education have not kept Steph lose confidence in themselves, then its energy, incendiary, the ability to attract attention and dedication can make a real leader Stephanie and ensure career success. Here are just a desire to lead may cause misunderstandings in relations with superiors or family. Here also a useful self-. Secrets of communication in communication with Stefania be ready for its originality. Even if the company she keeps hesitantly, then with familiar people, where it is relaxed, it can be expected from any eccentric actions. Often she likes to do the opposite, so if you want to persuade her to, say, stay at home today, begin to persuade her to go somewhere - most likely, her desire to leave fairly quickly disappears.