Meaning of name «Svetlana»

Origin: Svetlana (bright and clean) - the name of Slavic origin - from the word "light". This is a female version of a rare male name Svetlana (from the word "light"). In Greek, it corresponds to the name of Photinus. This name and called Svetlanas baptismal.

value: Name is an amazingly warm, affectionate. Giving his parents would be crowned as his little daughter with light. Light melody sounds name. It has become a very popular name in the XX century. , Especially in the Soviet era. Now - in the top ten, behind only the name Elena, Natalia Olga Tatiana and Irina. In the cities, the frequency of use of the name is slowly decreasing, and in rural areas as slow growing.

Name-: February 26, April 2, 16 November.

Zodiac name: Aquarius.

Planet: Neptune.

Color name: Blue, green and red.

Birthstone: Rhinestone.

plant: Birch, lily.

Animal: hare.

Key features: Light, bright, active and sociable personality. Akkuratistka.

Type: Field Marshal in a skirt.

name and character: Svetlana - ice and fire, solid contradictions. Compassion for people and a rare ability to hurt them, inflated self-esteem and selfless altruism, patience, determination and inability in the most important moments of life take their fate into their own hands.

Svetlana independent and hardworking, diplomacy, good, but bossy. Flirtatious, prefers male society, with women because it is more difficult to find a common language. Very caring about his family. Pays little attention to public opinion, is not considered to gossip. She seems even like it when people talk about it, it flatters her vanity. Applies to all men with suspicion, believing that rely on anyone of them can be. Soft and feminine with Svetlana patronymic Andriivna, I., A..

Fate: Happiness - Svetlana in itself: the fate of her inconsistent. Beauty but life is rarely arranged. Since childhood differs contradictory nature. She is a very high opinion of himself, but learns to medium. Svetlana parents have to think about what they would like to see it, and take responsibility for its destiny, as it is equally open and good and evil. Svetlana "sculpt" life around, relatives, friends, and finally, she - what he wants, and this will. It creates a full sense of herself.

Psyche: In the life of Svetlana dominated by spiritual, purity of thoughts and aspirations, lightness, artistry, goodwill. It is easy-going and always where she was expected. However, the character she contrasting.

Intelligence: Svetlana intelligent and subtle. It is important first of all a spiritual affinity with relatives.

Morality: Svetlana beneficial effects on the surrounding. It can timely advice, good word of helping people leave their souls in a noble light, warmth and hope. Has subtle charm. This is a woman of mystery, it is always interesting.

Health: Svetlana full of energy and vitality.

Sexuality: It is attractive to a man's eye, it sees "something sort of". She never does not impose itself. But making sure that interested in a man capable of giving it unconditionally, even can be "clay" in his hands. Ethnicity for her does not matter, she appreciates his passion, experience and ability to deliver pleasure. Life without men for her colorless. Heightened sexuality differs Svetlana I.. Svetlana nature close Vadim Eduard, Yuri, Igor Victor, Artem Boris, Vladimir and Eugene.

Marriage: Before you get married, she will make sure her choice and decent man feels for her true feelings. Able to be flexible and diplomatic with her husband and family, so everyone treats her with love. Very fond of children, tends to give them a good education. Exemplary hostess. This is the ideal wife and mother. Devoted husband, but can "stumble".

Favorable associations: Vadim Vladimir, Oleg Edward Yuri Alexeyev, Boris.

Adverse associations: with Alexander Hleb, Dimitri, or Michael Stanislaw.

Hobby: As a young man carefully watching their appearance. In trying to follow the fashion clothes, but sometimes it changes the sense of proportion.

field activities: Can find themselves in many areas.

Business: Svetlana often domineering, authoritative, unquestionable personality, prone to lead people and use them to achieve their goals. But it may be a person, devoid of will and character, floating down the river, indifferent to themselves and others. Everything depends on Svetlana. It adapts well to the environment, is not devoid of diligence. Sometimes you may change jobs, become more compliant and sociable.

Celebrities: Aleksievich Alliluev Varguzova, Vinogradova, Goryachev, Druzhinin Zhiltsova, Kryuchkov, Lazarev, Masterkova Morgunova, Mikhailova, Nemolyaeva, Pushkin, Ryabov, Ryazanov, Savitsky, Svetlichnaya, Sorokin Tom Khorkina, Sharapova.