Meaning of name «Tamara»

Origin: Name Tamara Hebrew origin, on behalf of Tamar (date palm). According to another version, the name comes from the word "Tamar", which translated from the Phoenician palm means. The same root name of a small southern plants - tamarisk. Tamara name means palm, fig, date palm.

value: mighty, great, good and manly name. Scent of longing and the power of suggestion come from vibration of the name. By its power, it is a rare candor and sufficient hardness. At the same time, it noticeable sensuality and ability to deep feelings. Name Tamara previously quite common, abruptly lost its popularity, but is still found in rural areas often.

Name-: May 14, December 15.

Zodiac name: Scorpio.

Planet: Pluto, Mars.

Color name: Crimson, dark red, burgundy, green, matt dark red, tan, red. The most favorable colors - white and orange.

Birthstone: agate, carnelian, opal, garnet.

plant: Date palm, rosemary, maple.

Animal: Owl, trout.

Key features: excitability, sensitivity, sociability, intuition, pride, self-confidence.

Type: Tamara twofold, it is characterized by a struggle between innate desires and capabilities. This neurotic choleric with unstable nervous system. Easily disappointed, any failure to take it out yourself, bring to despair. Moody, bad owns their emotions.

name and character: Tom childhood committed to diversity in the life. It can not read thick books, quickly loses interest in the protracted game. It's quite artistic nature. She likes to show off in front of the guests or the audience. In life may pose as a model, obedient daughter, imitate favorite actress. Jealous girlfriends beauty and tenderness. But it suits their fate better than they. A man of varied interests. Well-developed imagination, daydreaming characterized. Activities, inquisitive, curious, sweet and affable. Diligent, very reserved. Attentive and caring. Superbly finds a common language with children. But overly critical, always reaching for leadership. Nothing effeminate, campy, or at least not hesitant to Tamara.

Tamara strong woman, simple, brave and powerful. But gruffly. For her typical self and cool character. Force enjoys himself (and sometimes others) for the benefit of.

Fate: It refers to those who discover the secret of life ...

Psyche: Tamara serious thoughts - is alarming, with yourself - easy to magical dreams. Pretty testy, but quickly calms down. She certainly charming. It's a woman-child who wants to protect and preserve. Closed in itself, if life becomes too difficult. Conflicts arise because of its straightness and assertiveness. Recognizing no obstacles, it considers all the same strong. Its inherent rigor to her causes her to keep their feelings and emotions. But so long reach and a nervous breakdown. She knows how to sympathize with the suffering of others.

Intuition: Tamara intuition gives excessive importance. Lives in the mysterious world of signs and premonitions.

Intelligence: Pretty high, although somewhat mundane alien abstractions. Reaction time, activity, new perceptions without excessive exaltation and common sense allow Tamara successfully ensure their well-being. However, the rapidity of action sometimes leads to huge gaffe. Memory weak, Tamara forgets about everything - from the umbrella and ending own husband.

Morality: It is contraindicated strict prohibitions, as they may harm.

Tamara needs love and tenderness.

Health: Not very strong, depends on the mental state. Intestines and genitals prone to disease.

Sexuality: always hovering over her image Lermontov Queen. Furtive passion and attention demanding to be heard in this behalf, passing confidence and feelings hidden power to influence others. However, the word "sex" scares Tamara. She does not know and does not want to understand their desires, so often has to deal with partners, far from ideal. However, she does not know what her ideal and what she expects from life. Heightened sexuality has Tamara I..

Marriage: The family of Tamara tries to take the leading place, and might end in divorce. But she will not be gone and she will not let her know the abyss. Sometimes they are abusing it with energy and good feelings. Manages budget cost, but when shopping for children does not stop at the price. Can arrange a jealous scene in front of strangers with tears and cries.

Favorable associations: Alexander Boris, Vitali Michael Simeon and Yuri.

Adverse associations: Vadim Igor or Roman Nikita

Hobby: Large lover of travel, willing to meet new people. Novelty loves at all. Knows how to cook well. The apartment comprises an exemplary manner. Like rearrange furniture and update the situation in the apartment.

field activities: Tamara equally successfully overcomes the wisdom of not only women but also men's professions. If it does not find himself in the works, it is still her creative inclination affect the love of literature and art.

Tamara - a great mother, tender and devoted wife. Interested in medicine and pre-school education. It can become a good doctor, driver, teacher, administrator, businessman.

Business: Tamara just have to deal. She always has money. No hope for her husband in the household subsistence problem. It seeks to catch everywhere.

Celebrities: Gvertsiteli Makarova, Petrosyan (Tamara Khanum), Plotnikova, Semin.

The history: Tamara Siniavskaya (genus. in 1943. No exaggeration to say that the nature, giving it an amazing voice, gave a chance that one of the millions of drops, and Tamara Siniavskaya (which also is not often) took advantage of this opportunity. At the age of 20 years it took for the excellent vocal in the Bolshoi Theatre. Just six years to create an entirely incredible situation where the young singer became an acknowledged master of the best theater in the country and a leading performer of all parties mezzo-soprano. In total, over several years of hard work T. Siniavskaya sung more than twenty different parties. She spent two years on probation in one of the most famous theaters in the world - "La Scala", and came back and became a regular soloist with the Bolshoi. His personal fortune, she found herself in the usual range of marrying singer Muslim Magomayev.