Meaning of name «Tatiana»

Origin: Name Tatiana (STAR. Tatian) comes from the Latin "Tatius" - the name of the king Sabinsky. Sabina - Italic tribes, some of whom lived in the hills of Rome. According to another version, the name Tatiana Greek origin of the word "Tutt" - to install, to determine. The name means she who arranges, foundress, Lady establishing posed appointed.

value: Name bright, good and beautiful, though not very brilliant and outstanding. It assumes the identity of the bearer in his large and courageous. Modest attention and colorful expressiveness joined in this sounding. Name emotional and solid. There is in him a kind of determination and self-confidence. In the XVIII century.

Tatiana three percent were peasants, and only one - noblewomen. In the years 1961-1970. 12-14% of girls received the name.

Name-: January 18, January 25, July 17, September 14, September 23, October 3, October 21, December 3, December 23

Zodiac name: Capricorn.

Planet: Mars.

Color name: crimson, blue, intense red, a combination of gray-lilac with a pink-red, brown, red. Most favorable warm shades of yellow.

Birthstone: Rubin, heliodor, tiger's eye.

plant: Elm, clover, blueberries.

Animal: gopher, lynx.

Key features: Activity, sexuality, will, intuition.

Type: Just look into the eyes of Tatyana, to understand what was the look of our foremothers Eve: they are passionate sunlight. Very sassy - a real tomboy. Stalking victim as her totem animal - a lynx. Growing up, the impression of a man who has some secret knowledge, reading the book of life.

name and character: Tatiana stubborn, domineering, self-motivated, can not tolerate objections, sometimes despotic. It's very emotional, artistic person with enormous charm. Self-centered, not sentimental. Very subjective. Potency personality is enormous, but the properties of their nature, are not always employed. Prefers to be friends with men, next to which usually becomes softer and more feminine. Most often Tatiana pretty outgoing and gregarious, although not very much considered to be even close. Fidelity connects it with dignity. Soft romanticism and sensitivity to life order, striving for harmonious dispensation, found Tatiana bright and expressive forms. It is exactly what she wanted in life and does not tolerate objections. The company is at ease. Is able to achieve its. In the men's society is changing - becoming lively, charming, flirtatious.

Tatiana - primitive man and takes life as it is, with no illusions.

Tatiana particularly stubborn.

Tatiana - a man more calm and gifted.

Tatyana - a caring mother, the marriage of her well-being and Tatyana - the coolest of all Tatianas.

Fate: Tatyana - woman, light-emitting ... Tanya - child emotional, practical and principled, is able to fend for themselves. But its principles are largely dependent on the mood. Among peers aspires to leadership. It is difficult to tolerate the monotony, so visiting sports clubs, dance club, crafts courses. In her character a lot of boyish features. Difficult for parents to keep an eye on this girl mobile, although it can not be called naughty. It's just the cost of living nature. Tatiana sometimes difficult fate awaits.

Psyche: Introvert, not influenced, has an incredible memory. Sometimes it turns into excessive activity of impulsiveness and impetuosity that could complicate her life. Self-confidence gives her optimism. Most favorably when Tatjanina mobility combined with a sense of humor, which, by the way, a lot of energy contributes to the general name. This allows her to avoid a good half conflicts and misunderstandings. Her actions are usually cutting, but about the experience that they produce, Tatiana is not worried - the result is important. Strong will, determination coupled with high susceptibility, even gullibility, not always conducive to good relations with friends or family. But Tatiana rarely regret anything and is not inclined to correct the effects of. Deceit and evil does not accept.

Intuition: Tatiana directs clairvoyance. Anticipates guesses, envelops you with its charm. Men quickly make this. Considers himself a shrewd.

Intelligence: Tatiana sharp mind. Her sociability and activity is much higher than the average. Intelligence is quite high, but always aimed at solving practical problems.

Tatiana too is analytic. Her lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks sweetness and charm can win over not only close.

Morality: Not too strict. She thinks that she has the right to dispose of moral principles and change them to your liking. Tatiana often drawn to intimate conversation. She wants to open his soul to share problems. She is not averse to sympathize with you, but if you need her assistance, it is logical not to appeal to her feelings, and to logic and calculation. She hardly compassion for you renounce your interests.

Health: Tatiana fragile bones and very "sensitive" stomach. It is necessary to follow a diet and early dinner. Possible road accident. Must follow the eyes.

Sexuality: Sex for Tatiana - all or nothing. All - when love. Nothing - not like when. A sure way to win her heart - to go with her to give tours and understand that this is your passion.

Tatiana likes to dominate in sex. In bed she is aggressive, easily excited, takes the initiative. In men caresses expects obedience, some subordinate admiration. Sometimes it can hurt the partner. She has a very sensitive body, especially the chest and lower back. During affinity Tatiana seeks only to delight yourself. So often sees in partner just a tool to satisfy his passion. Her close Sergei, Igor Artyom, Vladimir, Nicholas, Edward and Ivan. The most sexy Tatiana.

Marriage: Tatiana several hypertrophied sense of ownership, which is sometimes perceived it as love. She is trying to use home voluntarily. Therefore, in the family eternal war characters. It is usually a good hostess, though rarely met one that role. She should have more interests to live close and not scandals without a special occasion. Children are her warily, for them it is - a strict mother. Tatiana little girlfriends, relationships with others pragmatism prevails. Appreciates more wealth than love in a cottage. Arranging his life, Tatiana tries not to change it, appreciates the stability and stability. If necessary, it becomes a sweeping, not very jockey.

Tatiana wins men caring and surrounds them with warmth and tenderness - it can be an excellent partner for those who are interested in it not only sex.

Favorable associations: Anatoly Valery Ivanov, Oleg and Sergey.

Adverse associations: Vyacheslav Gennady Kirillov, Stanislav or Philip.

Hobby: Likes to travel. Music, works of art, it takes a very superficial, though might be something touches her deeply. Knows how to cook well, the apartment comprises an exemplary manner. Like rearrange furniture and update the situation in the apartment. Loves to meet new people.

field activities: Tatiana often talented, artistic. Better use of its rich feelings and passions she finds on the stage. Able to talk and listen to make themselves. She is interested in medicine, especially paramedicine. Can become an experienced engineer.

Business: Tatiana live by the principle: "The happiness of man - in his hands". Its active nature and great pride crave success and public recognition. Decisive nature helps her to make a career. Strict performer own, ask yourself aspirations. Meeting her always encouraging. Business acumen is amazing. Able to perform any job. Chief attention especially stimulates.

Celebrities: Beck, Bulanov, Dmitrieva (gypsy Tanya) Dogileva, Doronin, Drubich, Dyachenko, B.ZHitkova Kuzminska, Lavrov, Lazarev, Lioznova, Markov Meshcherkina Morozova, Ovsiyenko, Ostryagin, Peltser, Samoilov, Snezhina, Skorokhodova, Shmyga.

The history: Tanya Rostokinskiy - girl-robber, the owner of a whole brave edge - in Elizabethan times was born and raised in Rostokina, nodal point on the road, among the rich estates and impassable boron. And so this was known atamansha that her glory splashed on the pages of the popular adventure novel last Lyubetskii "Tanya, robber Rostokinskiy or royal houses", published in 1834. About her illustrious robber, were composed folk songs. Tanka-long walk around the neighborhood atamansha Moscow. Many fear overtook on the merchants. But ruined maiden passion for green guilt. Tanya vanished, terrifies Forests "Losinka" in the dungeons of the secret order. Took its case to the drunk in a tavern. However long the people still living in her memory. Even the village for a long time called Taininskoe Taninskim. A newly constructed aqueducts reputed robber caves and lairs.