Meaning of name «Tsvetana»

The Bulgarian name, blooming. In infancy - a restless child, especially the December, it never for a moment you can not leave one. Requires increased attention adults can not tolerate loneliness. For eight or nine months becomes more relaxed, distracted by all the new research and new items, it is now easier to draw something. All is in his hands, not afraid of anything. Very loves to communicate with parents. Girl should be protected from the cold, it is susceptible to disease pharyngitis, bronchitis. Tsvetana growing very curious, interested in everything, has a weakness for everything beautiful. Should pay attention to this parents carefully watch her, give her the opportunity to develop abilities and inclinations. She loves to draw, and she is good at it;

The baby is very musical, loves the circus, puppetry. From the first class it would be nice to do calisthenics. At school she is friends with more girls than boys. Very responsive, always responds to the call for help. Authoritative peer at. The July Tsvetana - quiet, indecisive girl enjoys needlework, homebody. Early starts to like boys, but very shy. Such Tsvetana and matured, still too quiet, hesitant and timid. It is difficult to make a decision on their own, so she is always looking for support from parents, befriends a smart girl. The work can only be a performer, not able to do without a clear indication of the head. Tsvetana winter - kind and sympathetic, but more decisive, even showing firmness in nature, stubbornness and persistence in achieving goals. She has many friends and friends of men. She truly is tied to all, hardly tolerate frustration. She is unselfish, reliable friendly relations. It is not touchy, easily forgives their shortcomings friends, forgiving. She has many fans, and it is difficult to choose one of them. She does not want to hurt others refuse, so you need to win her love.

Marry Tsvetana leaves, usually successfully, and her divorce is rare: it is able to create comfort in the home, the husband is proud of her culinary skills, hospitality and generous nature. Often invited to a friends house who adore Tsvetanov and envy her husband. Tsvetana cleanly, good hostess. But most of all her husband appreciates her uncommon sense of humor: she knows how to tell funny stories, invent so that no one will notice.

Tsvetana faithful wife, gentle and caring mother. The only feature of her character, which spouse will have to live - that's what she loves often rearrange furniture. Especially if she has a bad mood, it must necessarily make a permutation in the house. Husband came home from work, may long to find things on their usual places and not find; not find their old favorite slippers - instead they will face new and uncomfortable, but to argue with Tsvetana, to arrange her scandals useless. She and the next time will still make their own way. Do Tsvetana well developed intuition, which she always enjoys; good memory. She is proud and independent, does not like to borrow anything, do not bother close their requests. If she liked someone, it may itself take the initiative and get to know her a pleasant person, even if it is the man to whom she is not a simple interest. But it concerns only the winter and autumn Tsvetan.

Summer is not capable of such actions. Spring - romantic, thoughtful, love art, it is well versed. Communicate with people attach little value. Thrive alone among his favorite books, dear to the heart of things, their hobbies. In intimate relationships Tsvetana quite temperamental. Sexiest - Tsvetana winter - especially the December. Summer again - more moderate in their sexual fantasies and requirements. But talk about sex Tsvetana loves can ask friends, consult with them.

Tsvetana rarely speaks ill of anyone, she loves all.