Meaning of name «Valentine»

value, origin: Name Valentine - female form named Valentine, formed from the Latin word "valence" - a power. Indo-European root "tree" means - have the power to. And the name means - a healthy, strong, be healthy. Feminine form of the name is brighter and more definite. Smoothness and perelivchivost sound of the name depicts the image of rolling waves and dissolving.

Name-: February 23, July 29, November 10

Zodiac name: Pisces.

Planet: Venus.

Color name: Name variegated: there are red and green, and blue, and blue, and celadon, pink and cornflower.

Birthstone: Pearls.

plant: Willow forget-me-not, lily.

Animal: Sturgeon, dove.

Key features: Sincerity, spontaneity, loyalty, friendliness, sensitivity, activity.

Type: Choleric with hard character. Nurse. Reasonable, hardworking woman, somewhat gloomy, but has huge reserves of love and tenderness.

name and character: «... Valentine - star mechtane! Nightingales sing your! "- So wrote Alexander Blok. And, as if mesmerized by these words, Valentine passionate dreams to look mysterious and even a femme fatale. However, the nature of her name is quite different. Attention (Ba), involvement (flax-) and retraction (Ting) - all these influences and create a character of that name.

Valentina is very kind, caring person, always willing to help others, often to the detriment of their own interests and not expecting a reward for his unselfishness. Her easy-going, she is good-natured, harmless and soft, sometimes quick-tempered, but quickly departs.

Valentine - hard worker and needlewoman, easy to communicate, cheerful. However, loves to talk, but quite harmless.

Fate: Valentine - a woman who reigns in heaven and on earth ... From his early childhood in Vale apparent kindness. She is able to share with all of you know that she has. In her life and global rhythms reflected the fullness of life, and the influence of the surrounding circumstances and changes. In public life, Valentine all the time to find a new.

Psyche: Secretive. Inclined to withdraw into themselves and do not always express their thoughts and feelings. Very self-confident and prudent.

Intuition: Good, but Valentine does not use it, preferring trodden paths of various unexpected. Firmly on the ground.

Intelligence: Analytical mind, hence the interest in small things, not to the whole. Does not seek to shine, rather prefers to give way to people wanting to attract attention.

Morality: Adheres too strict moral rules. She has an innate sense of decency, which is particularly evident in the crucial moments of life. Her character is somewhat similar to changeable spring sun. Related people who are familiar with its soft and easily appeased character, without resentment forgive her fleeting bursts of emotion.

Health: Enviable. And the same endurance. But should lead a regular life. Weak organs - intestines, lungs and skin.

Sexuality: Not as pretty as pretty darn sweet. Sensual. Dreams of eternal love. Pretty, flirtatious, sometimes whimsical. Sex plays a huge role in her life. The most important thing for her is a joy to belong.

Marriage: to marry for love. But her sense is born more as a response to the feeling of another person having a strong love for her. She can not condemn a person to suffering - and agrees to tie it with his fate. Fully dipped into family life. All devotes himself to her husband and children. Came to visit, be sure to try to help the hostess.

Favorable associations: Valentin, Vladimir, Gleb Ivanov, Sergei, and Alexander Semen.

Adverse associations: Boris, George Leonid Nicholas, Stanislaw or Yuri.

Hobby: Valentine loves to receive visitors. Easy to lift. He is fond of gambling, thus losing control and can lose large. To spirits indifferent, but a glass of champagne drink with pleasure.

field activities: This is usually a model pupil. It attracted a profession where you need to give all fully. But most of all it fits the role of mother and homemaker. She loves working with children and care for the sick. Can become a doctor, nurse, nurse, teacher, etc. Has a craving for art.

Business: In business enemies she can say no, but there are envious, but she often disarms his kindness. Yet life Valentina consists not always successfully. In the blame mainly her husband.

Celebrities: Vladimirov Gaganova, Gagarin Grizodubova, Zhiltsova, Zhubinskaya, Legkostupova, Solntseva, Talyzina, Taranuschenko, Tereshkova, Tolkunova.

The history: Valentin Serov was one of the most famous and favorite local actresses. Just remember Lisa from the film "Wait for me": a living image of a woman's love and fidelity, has withstood all tests. And the script, and the song from the film, and the verses themselves "Wait for me and I'll be back," and many of the poems were dedicated liked Valentin Serov, Konstantin Simonov. With the same fervor loved beautiful actress and Marshal Rokossovsky. It was extraordinary, charming woman - the embodiment of femininity and attractiveness.